This page is designed to help you put together your PhD studentship advert and the steps you need to take. The advertisement should cover the following issues:


Studentships will typically be for three years, although may also be for four years where the recipient will be undertaking a Master’s degree beforehand.


Most studentships will be for UK/EU-classified students only (including those with permanent leave to remain in the UK) – the Research Councils will not fund OS students and other sources are unlikely to cover OS fees. Students are now expected to have a Master’s degree before undertaking a PhD, but it remains possible to take students without them.


This may vary, with the FoM recommended level being £17,500 for 2012-13 while the MRC rate for London is £15,740 and the BBSRC £15,590. Research council stipends may be topped up to the FoM level at the discretion of the section concerned.


Application is typically via CV and covering letter. The College’s on-line postgraduate application form is generally only completed by the successful candidate after he/she has been chosen.

Suggested wording

An opportunity has arisen for a [duration] PhD studentship within the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London funded by [funder].

[insert details of project]

Applicants must be EU nationals or have permanent leave to remain in the UK and should hold or expect to obtain a first or upper-second class honours degree or equivalent in [appropriate fields]. A Master’s degree in one of the above fields would be advantageous.

The annual stipend will be [amount] tax-free.

Applicants should submit their CV and a covering letter, including full contact details of two referees, to [name, email]. Imperial College PhD entry requirements must be met and the successful applicant will subsequently need to apply online. For further information please contact [name, email, telephone].

Closing date: [time, date]

Posting your advertisement:
Advertisements should be sent to Benjie Coleman for posting on the Department’s studentship webpage. You should also send it to a local administrator for posting on Studentships may also be posted elsewhere as necessary.

The advertiser should form a 3-person panel to sift the applications and draw up a shortlist for interview. The panel should then interview the shortlisted candidates and select the winner, who should then be instructed to apply via the online application form as above (the College Registry will subsequently send the PG Administrator the application form for confirmation of the offer). The advertiser should give details of the selected student to local administration.

Further information: please contact local administration or Jennifer Simeon (

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