The nominees for the Faculty of Medicine 25th Anniversary Staff Awards were invited to a special thank you reception, hosted by the Dean, in January 2023.  During the event the commemorative award winners selected by the Education, Research and Community & Culture panels were announced.  All nominees and recipients of awards are listed below.

Faculty of Medicine 25th Anniversary Staff Awards nominees

A huge thank you to all those recognised by their colleagues for their outstanding contributions to Faculty life over the last quarter century.

Nominees and awardees

  • Miss Vaiva Adamonyte - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Rochan Agha-Jaffar - Nominated for Outstanding Pastoral Care
  • Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Dr Josefin Ahnström - Nominated for Outstanding Pastoral Care
  • Professor Caroline Alexander - Jointly nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Professor Martin Allday - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision
  • Dr Hutan Ashrafian - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research and Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Dr Christina Atchison - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship

  • Dr Daphne Babalis - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship and Outstanding Research Support
  • Mr Christopher Bamikole - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Professor Charles Bangham - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Professor Wendy Barclay - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Nicole Barnes - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Professor Thomas Barnes - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Professor Peter Barnes - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Dr Michael Barrett - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio
  • Dr Jeremy Batten - Nominated for Outstanding Research and Administrative Support
  • Mr Rob Bell - Nominated for Championing an Inclusive, Fair and Diverse Faculty
  • Dr Robyn Bell - Nominated for Community Engagement
  • Ms Francesca Bertolini - Nominated for Outstanding Pastoral Care
  • Ms Ruth Black - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Professor Steve Bloom - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision and Outstanding Mentorship
  • Professor Marina Botto - Nominated for Good Governance
  • Ms Lydia Boynton - Nominated for Teaching
  • Professor Bob Brown - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • BSc in Reproductive & Developmental Sciences Leadership Team - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Shyam Budhathoki - Nominated for Community Engagement

  • Dr Alison Cambrey - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Rita Carvalho - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Ms Barbara Cerutti - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Professor John Chambers - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Dr Queenie Chan - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Professor Naomi Chayen - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Professor Charles Coombes - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Dr Anne Cori - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Dr Michael Crone - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Mrs Mary Cross - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support

  • Dr Kirsten Dalrymple - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio
  • Professor Sophie Day - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Mr Robson dos Santos - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Professor Victor Dubowitz - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Sophie Dunhill - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Dr Nina Dutta - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education

  • Mr Claudio Elgueta Karstegl - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Professor Paul Elliott - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Ms Nadine Engineer - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Ms Susan English - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Dr Sarah Essilfie-Quaye - Nominated for Championing an Inclusive, Fair and Diverse Faculty

  • Dr Nuno Faria - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Professor Alan Fenwick and the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Professor Sarah Fidler - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Professor David Firmin - Nominated for Global Impact
  • FoM Communications Team (Past and Present) - Nominated for Communication
  • FoM Department Managers (Past and Present) - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship and Administrative Support
  • FoM GDPR Working Group and the FoM Data Protection Team - Nominated for Good Governance

  • Dr David Gaboriau - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Mr Neil Galloway-Phillipps - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Mrs Hime Gashaw - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Miss Cecilia George - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Ms Bethany Golding - Nominated for Championing an Inclusive, Fair and Diverse Faculty
  • Dr Mindy Gore - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Mrs Wendy Gould - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Professor Uta Griesenbach - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Ms Kayleigh Grimwade - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support

  • Professor Amin Hajitou - Nominated for Outstanding Pastoral Care
  • Ms Sapna Halder - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Professor Sian Harding - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Mr Chris Harris - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Ms Susan Hartman-Pearce - Nominated for Good Governance
  • Mr Thomas Harvey - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Professor Katharina Hauck - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision
  • Mr Matthias Heger - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Professor Jenny Higham - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Professor David Holden - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Miss Sharon Hubscher - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Gareth Hyde - Nominated for Administrative Support

  • Department of Immunology & Inflammation Centre Administrators - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Department of Immunology & Inflammation Laboratory Management Team - Nominated for Administrative Support and Outstanding Technical Support
  • ICSM Digital Learning Team - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • ICSM Phase One Team - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Natsuko Imai - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support and Global Impact (joint)
  • Miss Tabassum Iqbal - Nominated for Administrative Support

  • Professor Cecilia Johansson - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision
  • Miss Rena John-Lewis - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Mr Stephen Johns - Jointly nominated for Communication
  • Mr Eric Johnson - Nominated for Good Governance

  • Professor Prapa Kanagaratnam - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Dr Daniel Keene - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Ms Hayley Kendall-Berry - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Miss Mojiba Khanum - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Mrs Angela Knight - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Ms Valentina Kskhafa - Nominated for Good Governance
  • Professor Sonia Kumar - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Dr Robert Kypta - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio

  • Professor Mike Laffan - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Miss Lorraine Lawrence - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Dr Kay Leedham-Green - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Professor Michael Levin - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Ms Angela E. Lewis - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Ms Carly Line - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • LKCMedicine Development Team - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Professor Clare Lloyd - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Professor Naomi Low-Beer - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Mr Martin Lupton - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Dr Hermione Lyall - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff

  • Dr Vjera Magdalenic-Moussavi - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Dr Arti Maini - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio
  • Professor Azeem Majeed - Nominated for Communication
  • Malaria Modelling Group - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Mrs Yasmin Mallu - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Professor Justin Mason - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship and Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Mr Richard Mattin - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Dr Michael McGarvey - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education and Teaching
  • Professor Andy McKeown - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Dr Wayne Mitchell - Nominated for Championing an Inclusive, Fair and Diverse Faculty
  • Miss Jenna Mollaney - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Ms Louisa Moorhouse - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Ms Noelia Moreno-Castelló - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Professor Mary Morrell - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Dr James Moss - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • MSc in Reproductive & Developmental Biology Leadership Team - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support

  • Ms Katia Nery - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Dr Ana Luísa Neves - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision
  • NHLI Education Team - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • NHS Colleagues - Nominated for Teaching
  • Professor Jeremy Nicholson - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Violet Notice - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Dr Constance Nyamukapa - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research

  • Professor Peter Openshaw - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Dr Chrystalla Orphanides - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Dr Elizabeth Owen - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education and Teaching

  • Miss Tania Palalic - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Lyndsey Pallant - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Dr Ravi Parekh - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio
  • Ms Soh Yon Park - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Miss Roshni Patel - Nominated for Teaching
  • Professor Amit Patel - Nominated for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • PCPH Magazine Team - Nominated for Communication
  • Ms Maria Piggin - Nominated for Community Engagement
  • Ms Siobhan Pigott - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support and Administrative Support
  • Dr David J. Pinato - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Mr James Potts - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Mr Sanjay Purkayastha - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision

  • Mrs Samia Rahman - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Professor Sara Rankin - Nominated for Community Engagement
  • Mr Colin Rantle - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Professor Elio Riboli - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Dr Rick Richardson - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Dr Carolina Rosadas de Oliveira - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Mr Stephen Rothery - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Dr Aileen Rowan - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Mr Tom Rozier-Hope - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Ms Beatrix Rozsa - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Sophie Rutschmann - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio and Outstanding Leadership in Education

  • SAF Laboratory Team – Andy Horn and Matt Barrett - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Sohag Saleh - Nominated for Teaching
  • Dr Vanessa Sancho-Shimizu - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision
  • Dr Stefano Sandrone - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio
  • Dr Thiagarajah Sasikaran - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Dr Makrina Savvidou - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Dr Mariam Sbaiti - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Mike Schachter - Nominated for Outstanding Pastoral Care
  • Dr Eleanor Sein - Nominated for Teaching
  • Senior Welfare Tutors and FEO Welfare Team - Nominated for Outstanding Pastoral Care
  • Professor Peter Sever - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Professor Robin Shattock - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Miss Alexandra Shaw - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Ms Rosie Shaw - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Mr Jonathan Shepherd - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Miss Janette Shiel - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Monjur Showkat - Nominated for Teaching and Outstanding Education Support
  • Emeritus Professor Sue F Smith - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Mr Mikael Sodergren - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision
  • SPH Diversity in Publication Authorship Team - Nominated for Championing an Inclusive, Fair and Diverse Faculty
  • Mr Ben Statton - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Dr Paul Strutton - Nominated for Teaching and Excellence in Research Supervision
  • Anita Stubbs - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Sharron Stubbs - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Dr Mark Sullivan - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Emeritus Professor Richard Sutton - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Ms Anna Szajda - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support

  • Dr Henock Taddese - Nominated for Development of the Educational Portfolio
  • Dr Shivani Tanna - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education
  • Professor Graham Taylor - Nominated for Excellence in Research Supervision, Good Governance and Global Impact
  • Dr Viral Thakerar - Nominated for Teaching
  • Mrs Dawn Tharpe - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • The REACT Study Team - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Miss Davina Tijani - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship
  • Miss Geneviève Timmins - Nominated for Communication
  • Mrs Jo Tite - Nominated for Outstanding Education and Administrative Support
  • Transform Medical Education Team - Nominated for Outstanding Education Support
  • Dr Kimberley Trim - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Ms Eleanor Tucker - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Ms Cathy Tupman - Nominated for Outstanding Mentorship

  • UK Respiratory Gene Therapy Consortium - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research and Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Dr Sabine Van Elsland - Nominated for Communication
  • Dr Maria Van Kerkove - Jointly nominated for Global Impact

  • Dr Jennifer Wallis - Nominated for Teaching
  • Dr Des Walsh - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Professor Helen Ward - Nominated for Outstanding Leadership in Education and Community Engagement
  • Dr Jane Warwick - Nominated for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research
  • Miss Jane Webb - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Professor Wisia Wedzicha - Nominated for Global Impact
  • Miss Jennifer Wells - Nominated for Administrative Support
  • Professor Mary Wells
  • Jointly nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Ms Rita Whiting - Nominated for Outstanding Technical Support
  • Dr Elizabeth Whittaker - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff
  • Mr James Wild - Nominated for Good Governance
  • Mrs Julie Williams - Nominated for Outstanding Research Support
  • Mrs Tingting Wu - Nominated for Administrative Support

  • Mr Jitender Yadav Nominated for Administrative Support

Award and special commendation recipients


Awards were presented by the Chairs of each review panel  - Education, Community & Culture, Research.

Education awards

Faculty of Medicine 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Education

Professor Martin Allday
Special Commendation (In Memoriam) in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Excellence in Research Supervision

Nicole Barnes
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Education Support

Dr Michael Barrett
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Development of the Educational Portfolio

Ms Francesca Bertolini
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Pastoral Care

ICSM Digital Learning (Technology Enhanced Education) Team
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Education Support

Ms Hayley Kendall-Berry
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Education Support

Professor Mary Morrell
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Leadership in Education

Dr Sophie Rutschmann
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Leadership in Education

Dr Stefano Sandrone
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Development of the Educational Portfolio

Dr Mike Schachter
Special Commendation (In Memoriam) in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Pastoral Care

Dr Monjur Showkat
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Teaching

Dr Paul Strutton
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Excellence in Research Supervision

Community & Culture awards

Faculty of Medicine 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Community and Culture

Dr Daphne Babalis
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Mentorship

Dr Sarah Essilfie-Quaye
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Championing an Inclusive, Fair, and Diverse Faculty

FoM Communications Team (Past and Present)
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winners for Communication

FoM Department Managers (Past and Present)
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winners for Administrative Support

FoM GDPR Working Group and the FoM Data Protection Team
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winners for Good Governance

Professor Justin Mason
Special Commendation (In Memoriam) in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Mentorship

Ms Katia Nery
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Administrative Support

Professor Amit Patel
Special Commendation (In Memoriam) in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards

Ms Maria Piggin
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Community Engagement

Ms Rosie Shaw
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Administrative Support

Miss Jennifer Wells
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Administrative Support

Research awards

Faculty of Medicine 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Research

Professor Peter Barnes
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Global Impact

Dr Michael Crone
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Research Support

Department of Immunology and Inflammation Laboratory Management Team
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winners for Outstanding Technical Support

Professor Paul Elliott
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research

Professor Alan Fenwick and the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Global Impact

MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research

Professor Michael Levin
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research

Dr Constance Nyamukapa
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff. Awards for Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research

Dr Chrystalla Orphanides
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Research Support

Lyndsey Pallant
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Research Support

Dr Makrina Savvidou
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff

Dr Des Walsh
Highly Commended Contribution in the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards for Outstanding Research Support

Professor Mary Wells and Professor Caroline Alexander
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winners for Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff

Mrs Julie Williams
FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Award Winner for Outstanding Research Support