Module information on this degree can be found below, separated by year of study.

The module information below applies for the current academic year. The academic year runs from August to July; the 'current year' switches over at the end of July.

Students select optional courses subject to rules specified in the Mechanical Engineering Student Handbook,  for example at most three Design and Business courses. Please note that numbers are limited on some optional courses and selection criteria will apply.

Aircraft Engine Technology

Module aims

  • The aim of this module is to get small groups designing, in outline, a jet engine for a civil airliner. The design will focus on the thermodynamics and aerodynamics, but a small part will be devoted to stress and vibration aspects to underpin the aerodynamic design choices. 

ECTS units:    10

Learning outcomes

On successfully completing this module, students will be able to:

1. Discuss, in an industrial context and in appropriate vocabulary, technical issues related to current practice in the design of aircraft powerplant

2. Interpret a definition of civil or military aircraft duty and mission as a specification for its propulsion system

3. Apply thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and structural analysis to the design of jet engine components

4. Organise and gather information and solve problems using information technology within individual and group projects

Module syllabus

    • Fundamentals of aircraft propulsion
    • Turbomachinery aerodynamics
    • Elementary structural dynamics and vibration

Teaching methods

Students will be introduced to the main topics through 13 weeks of lectures (2hrs per week), supported by technology (PowerPoint, Panapto and Blackboard). Tutorials sessions (1 per week) will provide an opportunity for interaction with teaching staff where you can discuss specific problems. The lectures are followed by three coursework tasks: Task 1: Report; specification of engine pressure ratios and temperature. Task 2: Report; engine sizing, key dimensions, number of compressor and turbine stages, sketch of engine. Task 3:Final report; blade designs and some stress calulations for discs.


Assessment details        
      Pass mark   
Grading method Numeric   50%
Assessment type Assessment description Weighting Pass mark Must pass?
Examination 3 Hour exam 50% 50% N
Coursework Task 1: Specification of engine pressure ratios and temperature. Report 15 pages 15% 50% N
Coursework Task 2: Engine sizing, key dimensions, number of compressor and turbine stages, sketch of engine. Report 10 pages 10% 50% N
Coursework Task 3:Final report, with blade designs and some stress calulations for discs. Report: 35 pages + 10 pages of appendices. 25% 50% N

Reading list

