Module information on this degree can be found below, separated by year of study.

The module information below applies for the current academic year. The academic year runs from August to July; the 'current year' switches over at the end of July.

Students select optional courses subject to rules specified in the Mechanical Engineering Student Handbook,  for example at most three Design and Business courses. Please note that numbers are limited on some optional courses and selection criteria will apply.

Thermodynamics 3A

Module aims

This mnodule is a continuation of the ME1 and ME2 modules in thermodynamics. The first term deals with the fundamentals of equilibrium thermodynamics. The second term will introduce students to the kinetic theory and how the concepts of pressure, temperature (among others) and transport properties arise from molecular motions. This is a level 6 version of the enhanced level 7 Thermodynamics module and students cannot take both for credit towards their final degree.

ECTS = 5

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:

1. Explain advanced concepts in thermodynamics including non-ideal behaviour, phase change, electro-chemistry, radiation and critical phenomena.

2. Determine the thermodynamic limitations of an engineering process

3. Derive the fundamental thermodynamic equations in thermofluids and other branches of engineering.

4. Explain the kinetic theory of a gas and how the concepts of pressure, temperature (among others) and transport properties arise from molecular motions

Module syllabus

1. Introduction

2. Maxwell Relations

3. Thermodynamic Potentials: Gibbs and Helmholtz

4. Thermodynamic Potentials: Applications, Chemical Potential

5. Thermodynamics of Radiation: Stefan-Boltzmann Law

6. Phase Change: Phase diagrams, Phase transitions

7. Mixtures and Solutions: Solubility, Osmotic Pressure

8. Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium: Pollutant Formation and Emissions

9. Electro-Chemistry: Fuel Cells and Batteries

10. Structured Tutorial

11. Kinetic Theory of Gases I

12. Kinetic Theory of Gases II

13. Non-Ideal gas behaviour

14. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics

15. Statistical Mechanics II

16. Statistical Mechanics III

17. Thermo-Fluids Transport Equations: Navier-Stokes/Energy Equation/Species Transport

18. Thermo-Fluids Transport Equations: Simplifications and Closures"

Teaching methods

Students will be introduced to the main topics through lectures, supported by technology (PowerPoint, Panapto and Blackboard). Short activities (using interactive pedagogies) will occasionally be introduced in the classroom setting to reinforce learning, for example through pentameter and the like. You will be provided with problem solving sheets and should complete these as part of your independent study. Tutorials sessions will provide an opportunity for interaction with teaching staff where you can discuss specific problems. 


Assessment details        
      Pass mark   
Grading method Numeric   40%
Assessment type Assessment description Weighting Pass mark Must pass?
Examination 3 Hour exam 95% 40% Y
Coursework Quiz 5% 40% N

Reading list


Module leaders

Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez