Welcome to Department of Mathematics

This webpage is for students starting in October 2024 and includes information for students enrolled on programmes with the codings G100, G102, G103, G104, G125, G1F3, G1G3, and G1GH. Students on the Joint Mathematics and Computing programme (JMC) will have different arrangements set up by the Computing department.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Department and hope you have a wonderful time studying with us! Please do not hesitate to contact the person from the contact list in a relevant section prior to your arrival / any time you are with us with any questions you have.

Please note that the information is subject to change.


Welcome letter from Head of Department, Professor Axel Gandy


Dear First Year Student,

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London!

We’re excited to have you join us at Imperial, where your dedication has earned you a well-deserved place. Starting university is a big step in your life, and we’re here to support you as you navigate this transition.

As you settle into university life, keep in mind that the learning experience here is distinct from what you’ve known in school. It’s a shift towards greater independence and personal responsibility. Embrace this change by making use of the resources available – attend lectures, explore our facilities, and don’t hesitate to seek assistance when needed. Balancing academics with your newfound freedom might be a challenge initially, but it’s also an opportunity for personal growth.

You’ve chosen a demanding course, and while it may pose challenges, remember that challenges are where true learning often occurs. Find your own rhythm, manage your time wisely, and stay curious.

Once again, welcome to Imperial!