World Economic Forum 2016

Watch Professor Robin Grimes FREng discuss 'Computational Simulations of Tomorrow’s Materials'

Theory and simulation of materials play a major role in science and engineering projects and our work underpins research across the Department of Materials, providing insight into properties and processes.

We simulate materials ranging in size from the atomic to the macroscopic, staying front-of-field by continuously developing new methods and software.

Our world-class methods place us at the forefront of Theory and Simulation research across a wide range of applications, including sustainable technologies and fuels and thermoelectrics.

Our research explores:

  • Materials for solar cells and perovskite devices 
  • Materials for sustainable fuels
  • Electronic and optical properties of 2D materials
  • Twisted 2D heterostructures, adsorbates, defects and interfaces in materials
  • Batteries
  • Controlling the behaviour of soft matter systems
  • Thermoelectrics
  • Solid-state lighting
  • Materials for Quantum Technologies

Our researchers:

Dr Stefano Angioletti-Uberti

Dr Stefano Angioletti-Uberti

Professor Fionn Dunne FREng

Professor Fionn Dunne FREng

Professor Sir Robin Grimes FREng FRS

Professor Sir Robin Grimes FREng FRS

Professor Mike Finnis FRS

Professor Mike Finnis FRS

Dr Stephen Hanham

Dr Stephen Hanham

Professor Peter Haynes

Professor Peter Haynes

Professor Andrew Horsfield

Professor Andrew Horsfield

Professor Johannes Lischner

Professor Johannes Lischner

Professor Arash Mostofi

Arash Mostofi

Professor Arash Mostofi

Professor Tony Paxton

Professor Tony Paxton

Dr Paul Tangney

Dr Paul Tangney

Professor Aron Walsh

Professor Aron Walsh