
  • Soft Matter
  • Computational Design
  • Molecular nanostructures
  • Devices
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Cellular Biophysics
  • Biophysics of Disease

Polymers are long-chain molecules that can lead to unique combinations of properties such as high resistance to chemicals, high elasticity, transparency and even insulators or conductors depending on their chemical structure. Polymers find applications in automobile parts, packaging, pipes, insulation, windows, adhesives and medical formulations but can also be used to create stimuli-responsive materials and films that can be resistant to corrosion or/and have antimicrobial properties. Polymers are normally cost-effective materials and have the advantages that they are lightweight, easily processed and tailored to use. 

Our research team explores the behaviour, processing, microstructure and performance of polymers for industries such as healthcare, agriculture, packaging, formulation, flexible devices and additive manufacturing.  

This work addresses challenges such as fabricating thermogeling scaffolds for tissue engineering, stabilising composite inks that are used in 3D printing, stimuli-responsive emulsifiers for liquid-based formulations.

Our researchers:

Dr Stefano Angioletti-Uberti

Dr Stefano Angioletti-Uberti

Dr Iain Dunlop

Dr Iain Dunlop

Professor Theoni Georgiou

Professor Theoni Georgiou

Professor Sandrine Heutz

Professor Sandrine Heutz

Dr Chun Ann Huang

Chun Ann Huang

Dr Chun Ann Huang

Professor Julian Jones

Professor Julian Jones

Professor Martyn McLachlan

Professor Martyn McLachlan

Professor Arash Mostofi

Arash Mostofi

Professor Arash Mostofi

Professor Milo Shaffer

Professor Milo Shaffer

Professor Dame Molly Stevens FRS FREng

Professor Dame Molly Stevens FRS FREng

Dr Jess Wade

Dr Jess Wade