Athena SWAN Silver logo The Department of Materials has held an Athena SWAN Silver Award since 2010 in recognition of its work to promote gender equality. 

Full details of our work are available in our Department of Materials Athena SWAN Gold Award submission 2017.

Key points from our 2017 submission:

  • Materials' Departmental Carers Fund

The Department of Materials has established a Carers Fund to provide members with a grant to contribute towards additional care-related costs of up to £250 when attending work-related events, meetings and conferences. Retrospective awards will not normally be considered. Staff can apply by accessing the application form under Materials' Financial Support page

These training programmes have been introduced for all new staff and students. They aim to foster an inclusive working and learning environment for all, irrespective of background, from day 1. In applying active bystander training, all staff will be supported in calling out unacceptable behaviour and we will work to ensure everyone is happy in their work environment.

Our Postdoc and Fellows Committee, led by the Postdoc and Fellows Champion, are active in all areas of the Department to support and celebrate early career researchers. This includes an annual symposium of the important work carried out by Postdocs and Fellows, regular social events, raising issues at departmental committees, and working with the PDFC in promoting ongoing training and development.

Flexible working, in line with Imperial College's procedures, is now embedded across the Department. Flexible working is positively encouraged: members of staff regularly work from home one day a week across all levels in the Department - from Postdoc to Professor. This may be to accommodate childcare or caring responsibilities, ensuring sustainable commuting patterns, or any other reason, and may be implemented on an ongoing basis or temporarily.

Athena SWAN Coordinators in Materials

Dr Iain Dunlop

Dr Iain Dunlop

Mrs Darakshan Khan

Mrs Darakshan Khan

Black Lives Matter Survey

In Spring 2021, we surveyed staff and students in the department, with the aim to identify anti-racist action that could be taken to improve the experience of Black members in our community. View our Black Lives Matter Survey results