
BibTex format

author = {Somuyiwa, S and Gyorgy, A and Gunduz, D},
doi = {10.23919/WIOPT.2017.7959874},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {Energy-efficient wireless content delivery with proactive caching},
url = {},
year = {2017}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - We propose an intelligent proactive content caching scheme to reduce the energy consumption in wireless downlink. We consider an online social network (OSN) setting where new contents are generated over time, and remain relevant to the user for a random lifetime. Contents are downloaded to the user equipment (UE) through a time-varying wireless channel at an energy cost that depends on the channel state and the number of contents downloaded. The user accesses the OSN at random time instants, and consumes all the relevant contents. To reduce the energy consumption, we propose proactive caching of contents under favorable channel conditions to a finite capacity cache memory. Assuming that the channel quality (or equivalently, the cost of downloading data) is memoryless over time slots, we show that the optimal caching policy, which may replace contents in the cache with shorter remaining lifetime with contents at the server that remain relevant longer, has a threshold structure with respect to the channel quality. Since the optimal policy is computationally demanding in practice, we introduce a simplified caching scheme and optimize its parameters using policy search. We also present two lower bounds on the energy consumption. We demonstrate through numerical simulations that the proposed caching scheme significantly reduces the energy consumption compared to traditional reactive caching tools, and achieves close- to-optimal performance for a wide variety of system parameters.
AU - Somuyiwa,S
AU - Gyorgy,A
AU - Gunduz,D
DO - 10.23919/WIOPT.2017.7959874
PY - 2017///
TI - Energy-efficient wireless content delivery with proactive caching
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