
BibTex format

author = {Wang, K and Marsh, DM and Saputra, RP and Chappell, D and Jiang, Z and Raut, A and Kon, B and Kormushev, P},
doi = {10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341143},
pages = {3488--3495},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {Design and control of SLIDER: an ultra-lightweight, knee-less, low-cost bipedal walking robot},
url = {},
year = {2020}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Most state-of-the-art bipedal robots are designedto be highly anthropomorphic and therefore possess legs withknees. Whilst this facilitates more human-like locomotion, thereare implementation issues that make walking with straight ornear-straight legs difficult. Most bipedal robots have to movewith a constant bend in the legs to avoid singularities at theknee joints, and to keep the centre of mass at a constant heightfor control purposes. Furthermore, having a knee on the legincreases the design complexity as well as the weight of the leg,hindering the robot’s performance in agile behaviours such asrunning and jumping.We present SLIDER, an ultra-lightweight, low-cost bipedalwalking robot with a novel knee-less leg design. This nonanthropomorphic straight-legged design reduces the weight ofthe legs significantly whilst keeping the same functionality asanthropomorphic legs. Simulation results show that SLIDER’slow-inertia legs contribute to less vertical motion in the centerof mass (CoM) than anthropomorphic robots during walking,indicating that SLIDER’s model is closer to the widely usedInverted Pendulum (IP) model. Finally, stable walking onflat terrain is demonstrated both in simulation and in thephysical world, and feedback control is implemented to addresschallenges with the physical robot.
AU - Wang,K
AU - Marsh,DM
AU - Saputra,RP
AU - Chappell,D
AU - Jiang,Z
AU - Raut,A
AU - Kon,B
AU - Kormushev,P
DO - 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341143
EP - 3495
PY - 2020///
SP - 3488
TI - Design and control of SLIDER: an ultra-lightweight, knee-less, low-cost bipedal walking robot
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