The NanoFCM NanoAnalyzer is offered for CL2 work (not for airborne pathogens) Please refer to the Biosafety page (link at the bottom of this page) for more information on the documentation needed to use this instrument.

The NanoFCM NanoAnalyzer is a 2-colour analyser with two lasers (Blue 488nm and Red 640nm) that measures biological and synthetic nanoparticles, such as extracellular vesicles, nanoparticle carriers, virus, mitochondria and gold nanoparticles.

Unlike conventional flow cytometers, the NanoFCM has knobs for channel adjustments of signal intensity and events that ensures a daily alignment and optimisation of the system. Its light scattering allows for detection limits of 7nm to 1um, but works best at 10-100nm ranges for gold nanoparticles and 40-200nm ranges for biological particles. It is also capable of providing sample concentration measurements.

This cytometer is equipped with a capillary that is capable of acquiring from 0.2mL tubes. Please note that the data acquisition rate is not displayed and needs to be adjusted during the experiment. We recommend a minimum sample volume of 10μL and a stock of 0.2μL-filtered PBS for diluting.

Download a complete configuration of NanoFCM Lasers and Filters, including fluorochromes and bandpass filters. You can also find it below.

Blue 488nm and Red 640nm
Detector Dichroic mirror Bandpass filter Channel
 SPCM-1    488/10  SSC
 SPCM-2  DicF495  525/40*  FITC/GFP/AF488
 SPCM-3   DicF555  670/30  PE-Cy5/PerCP/AF647/APC
   Optional  580/40  PE/AF555/SYTO82
   Optional   710/40  PerCP-Cy5.5/PE-AF680


Sir Alexander Fleming Building, 5th floor, Room 522.

The NanoFCM is available to any trained user 24 hours a day (subject to building access and regulations).

General enquiries

Flow Cytometry Facility
South Kensington
Sir Alexander Fleming Building
Fifth Floor, Room 532
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ, UK
+44 (0)20 7594 5423