Members of the ITMAT Data Science Group are involved in several projects led by Imperial College faculties and exploiting the UK Biobank data:

Exploration of genetic variants associated with high blood pressure


PI: Prof. Paul Elliott (Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Keywords: blood pressure, genetics, GWAS, Hypertension
Data Science Group member involved: Matthias Futschik, Zhangyi He  (previously Deborah Schneider-Luftman, Paul Blakeley, David Mosen Ansorena)

Understanding the relationships between brain and cardiac diseases

PI: Prof. Paul Matthews (Department of Medicine)
Keywords: atherosclerosis, Brain, Cardiomyopathy, Heart, MRI, stroke
Data Science Group member involved: Florian Guitton, Chengliang Dai, Elsa Angelini

Correlation of genetic data with inflammatory biomarkers

PI: Dr Ioanna Tzoulaki (Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Keywords: cardiovascular disease, CRP, GWAS, Inflammatory biomarkers
Data Science Group member involved: (previously Dr David Mosen-Ansorena)

Contact us

For any enquiries related to the ITMAT data science group, please contact: