Key information

Principal Investigator: Dr Aran Singanayagam

Co-Principal Investigators:
Dr Anand Shah and Professor Sebastian Johnston

Sponsor: Imperial College London


Human bronchiectasis rhinovirus challenge to define immunopathogenesis of exacerbation (BARRIER) study

We are looking for 36 people with bronchiectasis aged 18 to 65 and 18 healthy volunteers aged 18 to 65 to take part in a rhinovirus human challenge study.

Patients with bronchiectasis and healthy volunteers will be challenged (deliberately infected) with rhinovirus A-16. Rhinovirus is a virus which causes the common cold. We want to do this so we can understand more about what happens when people with bronchiectasis get a viral infection.

The study is taking place in the St Mary’s Imperial College Respiratory Research Unit, all the study visits will take place there. 

The study aims to recruit 36 patients with bronchiectasis and 18 healthy volunteers. 

If you are eligible to take part, you will be compensated £1200 for your time and travel expenses.

The study is being funded by the Medical Research Council and is sponsored by Imperial College London. This study was reviewed and approved by the HRA and Health and Care Research Wales.

If you are interested in finding out more, please read the BARRIER Study Patient Information Sheet (Word).

If you have read the study information sheet and are interested, please contact the study team at email: A member of the study team will then contact you to discuss the study in detail, answer any questions you have and ask you some further questions to confirm your eligibility.

Following the pre-screening telephone call, you may be invited for a screening visit in person if you meet the eligibility criteria.