Fusion Splicer: Fujikura Arc Master FSM-100

The Arc Master provides a fibre clamping system that accommodates optical fibre ranges from 60 to 2000μm for cladding or coating without changing v-grooves or fibre clamps.

The fibre positioning system incorporates multiple fibre and electrode positioning techniques to provide versatility for splicing LDF, heat sensitive or small diameter fibres. Alignment and splicing capabilities are possible with virtually any PM fibre type.

Longer fibre tapering application is possible. Incorporating PAS (cold fibre image) and WSI (warm image) technologies, the optical analysis system provides a number of advanced features including improved loss estimation capabilities, fibre image performance with both LDF, small or heat sensitive fibres.

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Bessemer Building
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College
London, SW7 2AZ
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