When: Thursday 10 December, 11:30 - 13:00
Where: Observer Room 03 (Official passes required)

Register interest: Please email Alyssa Gilbert, Head of Policy and Translation, Grantham Institute (a.gilbert@imperial.ac.uk)

A look ahead to the post-COP21 decade. You ask us: What internationally collaborative actions, policies or investments are needed by the energy sector to deploy low carbon technologies on a global scale? We ask you: Do the solutions exist, or should we hold on for new breakthrough technologies?

  • Keynote by Phillipe Benoit, International Energy Agency

Panel discussion chaired by Prof Martin Siegert, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London:

  • Ajay Gambhir, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London
  • Prof Stefaan Simons, IChemE
  • Tom Jennings, The Carbon Trust
  • John Scowcroft, Global CCS Institute
  • Prof Brian Vad Mathiesen, IDA, Danish Society of Engineers
  • Beatriz Fernández Hernández, Future Climate Engineering Solutions

Discuss with us: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a level where atmospheric concentrations provide for a 2°C goal requires the development and deployment of a broad portfolio of mitigation technology solutions. Many of the technologies needed are already in use or in mature stages of development. In order to achieve the necessary emissions reductions many of these technologies will need to be deployed at large scale by 2020, when the Paris agreement is expected to start, and certainly all of them commercially available within that decade. Strong policy and investment decisions are required now to enable this to happen.

Refreshments provided
Register your interest to attend, receive updates on the programme, and post-event video, email Alyssa Gilbert, Head of Policy and Translation, Grantham Institute: a.gilbert@imperial.ac.uk

More information

Presentations and reports:
UNFCCC side-events site