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  • Conference paper
    Keirstead JE, Samsatli NJ, Pantaleo AM, Shah Net al., 2012,

    Evaluating biomass energy strategies for a UK eco-town with an MILP optimization model

    , Pages: 306-316

    Recent years have shown a marked interest in the construction of eco-towns, showcase developments intended to demonstrate the best in ecologically-sensitive and energy-efficient construction. This paper examines one such development in the UK and considers the role of biomass energy systems. We present an integrated resource modelling framework that identifies an optimized low-cost energy supply system including the choice of conversion technologies, fuel sources, and distribution networks. Our analysis shows that strategies based on imported wood chips, rather than locally converted forestry residues, burned in a mix of ICE and ORC combined heat and power facilities offer the most promise. While there are uncertainties surrounding the precise environmental impacts of these solutions, it is clear that such biomass systems can help eco-towns to meet their target of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Journal article
    van de Flierdt T, Pahnke K, Amakawa H, Andersson P, Basak C, Coles B, Colin C, Crocket K, Frank M, Frank N, Goldstein SL, Goswami V, Haley BA, Hathorne EC, Hemming SR, Henderson GM, Jeandel C, Jones K, Kreissig K, Lacan F, Lambelet M, Martin EE, Newkirk DR, Obata H, Pena L, Piotrowski AM, Pradoux C, Scher HD, Schoberg H, Singh SK, Stichel T, Tazoe H, Vance D, Yang Jet al., 2012,

    GEOTRACES intercalibration of neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations in seawater and suspended particles. Part 1: reproducibility of results for the international intercomparison

    , LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS, Vol: 10, Pages: 234-251, ISSN: 1541-5856
  • Journal article
    Perkins DM, YvonDurocher G, Demars BOL, Reiss J, Pichler DE, Friberg N, Trimmer M, Woodward Get al., 2012,

    Consistent temperature dependence of respiration across ecosystems contrasting in thermal history

    , Global Change Biology, Vol: 18, Pages: 1300-1311, ISSN: 1354-1013

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Ecosystem respiration is a primary component of the carbon cycle and understanding the mechanisms that determine its temperature dependence will be important for predicting how rates of carbon efflux might respond to global warming. We used a rare model system, comprising a network of geothermally heated streams ranging in temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C, to explore the nature of the relationship between respiration and temperature. Using this ‘natural experiment’, we tested whether the natal thermal regime of stream communities influenced the temperature dependence of respiration in the absence of other potentially confounding variables. An empirical survey of 13 streams across the thermal gradient revealed that the temperature dependence of whole‐stream respiration was equivalent to the average activation energy of the respiratory complex (0.6–0.7 eV). This observation was also consistent for <jats:italic>in‐situ</jats:italic> benthic respiration. Laboratory experiments, incubating biofilms from four streams across the thermal gradient at a range of temperatures, revealed that the activation energy and Q<jats:sub>10</jats:sub> of respiration were remarkably consistent across streams, despite marked differences in their thermal history and significant turnover in species composition. Furthermore, absolute rates of respiration at standardised temperature were also unrelated to ambient stream temperature, but strongly reflected differences in biofilm biomass. Together, our results suggest that the core biochemistry, which drives the kinetics of oxidative respiratory metabolism, may be well conserved among diverse taxa and environments, and that the intrinsic sensitivity of respiration to temperature is not influenced by ambient environmental temperature.</jats:p>

  • Journal article
    Sondergaard RR, Makris T, Lianos P, Manor A, Katz EA, Gong W, Tuladhar SM, Nelson J, Toumi R, Sommeling P, Veenstra SC, Rivaton A, Dupuis A, Teran-Escobar G, Lira-Cantu M, Sapkota SB, Zimmermann B, Wuerfel U, Matzarakis A, Krebs FCet al., 2012,

    The use of polyurethane as encapsulating method for polymer solar cells-An inter laboratory study on outdoor stability in 8 countries

    , SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, Vol: 99, Pages: 292-300, ISSN: 0927-0248
  • Journal article
    Skea J, Chaudry M, Wang X, 2012,

    The role of gas infrastructure in promoting UK energy security

    , ENERGY POLICY, Vol: 43, Pages: 202-213, ISSN: 0301-4215
  • Journal article
    Sivakumar A, Batley R, Polak JW, 2012,

    Toward the future of travel behaviour and demand modelling

  • Journal article
    Dai J, Wang C, Shang C, Graham N, Chen G-Het al., 2012,

    Comparison of the cytotoxic responses of <i>Escherichia coli</i> (<i>E</i>. <i>coli</i>) AMC 198 to different fullerene suspensions (<i>n</i>C<sub>60</sub>)

    , CHEMOSPHERE, Vol: 87, Pages: 362-368, ISSN: 0045-6535
  • Journal article
    Pahnke K, van de Flierdt T, Jones KM, Lambelet M, Hemming SR, Goldstein SLet al., 2012,

    GEOTRACES intercalibration of neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations in seawater and suspended particles. Part 2: Systematic tests and baseline profiles

    , LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS, Vol: 10, Pages: 252-269, ISSN: 1541-5856
  • Journal article
    Chan NLA, Ekins-Daukes NJ, Adams JGJ, Lumb MP, Gonzalez M, Jenkins PP, Vurgaftman I, Meyer JR, Walters RJet al., 2012,

    Optimal Bandgap Combinations-Does Material Quality Matter?

    , IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, Vol: 2, Pages: 202-208, ISSN: 2156-3381
  • Journal article
    Roy I, Haigh JD, 2012,

    Solar Cycle Signals in the Pacific and the Issue of Timings

    , JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, Vol: 69, Pages: 1446-1451, ISSN: 0022-4928
  • Conference paper
    Naro YR, Haaf MP, Williams CK, Bakewell CMet al., 2012,

    Zinc quinolide catalysts for the stereoselective polymerization of lactide

    , 11th International Biorelated Polymer Symposium / 243rd National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Publisher: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, ISSN: 0065-7727
  • Conference paper
    Hubbard SM, Haaf MP, Williams CK, Bakewell CMet al., 2012,

    Isotactic polylactic acid (PLA) formation with chiral aluminum hydroxyquinolate catalysts

    , 11th International Biorelated Polymer Symposium / 243rd National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Publisher: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, ISSN: 0065-7727
  • Journal article
    Didham RK, Kapos V, Ewers RM, 2012,

    Rethinking the conceptual foundations of habitat fragmentation research

    , OIKOS, Vol: 121, Pages: 161-170, ISSN: 0030-1299
  • Journal article
    Emmott CJM, Urbina A, Nelson J, 2012,

    Environmental and economic assessment of ITO-free electrodes for organic solar cells

    , Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol: 97, Pages: 14-21, ISSN: 0927-0248
  • Journal article
    Horie M, Kettle J, Yu C-Y, Majewski LA, Chang S-W, Kirkpatrick J, Tuladhar SM, Nelson J, Saunders BR, Turner MLet al., 2012,

    Cyclopentadithiophene-benzothiadiazole oligomers and polymers; synthesis, characterisation, field-effect transistor and photovoltaic characteristics

    , JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, Vol: 22, Pages: 381-389, ISSN: 0959-9428
  • Journal article
    Faist MA, Kirchartz T, Gong W, Ashraf RS, McCulloch I, de Mello JC, Ekins-Daukes NJ, Bradley DDC, Nelson Jet al., 2012,

    Competition between the Charge Transfer State and the Singlet States of Donor or Acceptor Limiting the Efficiency in Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells

    , JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol: 134, Pages: 685-692, ISSN: 0002-7863
  • Journal article
    Dhanirama D, Gronow J, Voulvoulis N, 2012,

    Cosmetics as a potential source of environmental contamination in the UK

    , Environmental Technology, Vol: 33, Pages: 1597-1608, ISSN: 0959-3330
  • Journal article
    Buytaert W, 2012,

    Assessment of impacts of climate change on mountain hydrology: Development methodology based on situation-th example of the Peruvian Andes (Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain Hydrology: Development of a Methodology Through a Case Study in the Andes of Peru)

    , Mountain Research and Development, Vol: 32, Pages: 143-144, ISSN: 0276-4741
  • Conference paper
    Zolgafhari A, Sivakumar A, Polak JW, 2012,

    Choice set pruning in residential location choice modelling: a comparison of sampling and choice set generation approaches in greater London

    , 43rd Annual Conference of the Universities-Transport-Studies-Group (UTSG), Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Pages: 87-106, ISSN: 0308-1060

    The discrete choice analysis of residential location choice forms an important part of land use-transport modelling systems but gives rise to a number of significant modelling

  • Journal article
    Flatt RJ, Roussel N, Cheeseman CR, 2012,

    Concrete: An eco material that needs to be improved

    , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol: 32, Pages: 2787-2798, ISSN: 1873-619X

    Concrete is the largest volume material used by man and is irreplaceable for innumerable large infrastructure developments. From the point of view of natural resources, ecology and economy, it is virtually impossible to imagine substituting concrete by any other material. However, because of the large volumes used, its total energy and CO2 footprint is important. This material therefore needs to be improved and small steps can have a big impact, once again because of the large volumes involved. This review paper examines some of the routes that may be followed to further improve the environmental performance of concrete.

  • Journal article
    Xia R, Al-Hashimi M, Tsoi WC, Heeney M, Bradley DDC, Nelson Jet al., 2012,

    Fused pyrrolo[3,2-<i>d</i>:4,5-<i>d</i>′]bisthiazole-containing polymers for using in high-performance organic bulk heterojunction solar cells

    , SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, Vol: 96, Pages: 112-116, ISSN: 0927-0248
  • Journal article
    Howe C, Milner-Gulland EJ, 2012,

    Evaluating indices of conservation success: A comparative analysis of outcome- and output-based indices

    , Animal Conservation, Vol: 15, Pages: 217-226, ISSN: 1367-9430

    Conservation funders require methods by which to evaluate the relative success of projects within their portfolios. One approach is to develop robust indices of success that are consistent between projects and evaluators. We used three contrasting indices to evaluate factors contributing to success of projects funded by the UK Government's Darwin Initiative. The indices were: Darwin Outputs (related to the Darwin Initiative's own method of evaluating the success of the projects it supports), Impact Assessment (based on the method developed by Mace et al. for evaluating the success of projects supported by zoos) and a Ranked Outcomes (a qualitatively ranked outcome index). We evaluated the internal consistency of the indices by comparing the assessments of multiple independent scorers. We assessed their robustness by checking for differences between indices and assessors in the success level assigned to a given project. We then used mixed effects models to analyse the factors contributing to project success, as expressed by each index, and compared the factors highlighted as important by each index. Although there were systematic differences between scorers, relative rankings between scorers were consistent. The indices were in fair agreement as to project success ranks, although the success ranks assigned by subjective ranked outcome- and output-based indices were more consistent between assessors than the impact assessment index. Higher levels of funding led to projects receiving consistently higher success scores. Other variables varied in their importance between indices, although metrics of education were consistently important. This study shows that it is possible to develop robust outcome-based indices of conservation success for comparison of projects within a funder's portfolio, although the nuances picked up by different indices suggest a need for multiple indices to capture different facets of success. We also highlight the need for thorough testing

  • Journal article
    Wang L, Ochoa-Rodriguez S, Simoes N, Onof C, Maksimović Čet al., 2012,

    Radar-raingauge data combination techniques: a revision and analysis of their suitability for urban hydrology

  • Journal article
    Hu G, Sivakumar A, Polak JW, 2012,

    Modelling travellers’ risky choice in a revealed preference context: A comparison of EUT and non-EUT approaches

    , Transportation

    Recent work on risky choice modelling has sought to address the shortcomings of expected utility theory (EUT) by using non-expected utility theoretic (non-EUT) approaches. However, to date these approaches have been merely tested on stated choice data which is flexible and cheap. In this study, we empirically investigate the feasibility and validity of non-EUT approaches in a revealed preference (RP) context in which travel time distribution is extracted from observed historical travel time data, and subsequently present systematic comparisons between EUT, weighted utility theory (WUT), rank-dependent expected utility theory (RDT), and prospect theory (PT). The empirical evidence indicates that each non-EUT model has important behavioural insights to offer, moreover, EUT as well as non-EUT models can be applied to the RP context. However, the EUT and non-EUT model fits are generally similar with only PT providing a marginally improved model fit over EUT. The key findings presented in this study reinforce the importance of exploring non-EUT models within a revealed preference context before they can be applied reliably to modelling risky choices in the real world.

  • Journal article
    Zolfaghari A, Sivakumar A, Polak JW, 2012,

    Choice set pruning in residentiallocation choice modelling: acomparison of sampling and choiceset generation approaches in greaterLondon

    , Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol: 1, Pages: 87-106

    The discrete choice analysis of residential location choice forms an important part of land use-transport modelling systems but gives rise to a number of significant modelling challenges, one of which is the choice set formation problem. A number of alternative approaches exist to addressing the choice set formation problem,but to the best of our knowledge, there have been no efforts to empirically compare their performance using real choice data. In this paper, we propose to address this gap by examining the performance of several choice set formation methods within the context of residential location choice in London. The paperpresents a brief review of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature on thetreatment of the choice set formation problem in the context of spatial choice and sets out the characteristics of the specific modelling approaches implemented in the empirical research. In particular, we compare a recently proposed hazard-based screening model with more conventional pure statistical treatments. Theempirical research uses a specially constructed data-set on residential location choice, developed by the authors for the Greater London area, which draws on information from a number of separate data sources (including revealed preference data from the London Area Travel Survey). The alternative choice set formation approaches are assessed in terms of their prediction performance on a hold-out validation sub-sample and also in terms of estimated modelparameters.

  • Journal article
    Sivakumar A, Keirstead J, Polak JW, 2012,

    Integrated Modelling of the Demand & Supply Vectors in Urban Energy Systems: Conceptual and Modelling Frameworks for the Development of a New Toolkit

    , Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

    This paper presents the conceptual and modelling frameworks underlying the development of SynCity, an urban systems modelling tool developed as part of the BP-sponsored Urban Energy Systems (UES) project at Imperial College London. SynCity, a hierarchical model system developed in Java, comprises four layers – a spatial layout model, an agent-based microsimulation model of urban activities (AMMUA), a resource flow and conversion/network optimisation model; and an urban energy service networks model. The AMMUA comprises three inter-related modules -- an activity travel demand model, an urban freight logistics component, and a land use module – and simulates a variety of agents including individuals, households, businesses, and industries. While the spatial layout and resource flow models are optimization models aimed at producing normative and potentially optimal solutions, the AMMUA is a descriptive model that aims to predict realistic patterns of agent behaviour. This combination forms a novel approach to modelling urban energy systems which is, to the best of our knowledge, among the first of its kind (this approach has some precedent in continuous equilibrium network design models). The complexity of integrated systems modelling does not typically allow for normative models and our approach conceptually overcomes the difficulty, thus simultaneously serving as a descriptor of behaviour and a design tool. The implementation of SynCity described in this paper is not only the first empirical application of an activity-based travel demand system in the UK but goes further to tie activity and travel demand patterns to resource consumption and energy demand. More importantly, the research breaks new ground in the way that transport demand is conceptualised – as part of a wider system of interactive social and economic relationships that are examined both from a normative and descriptive perspective.

  • Journal article
    Rodriguez J, Mac Dowell N, Llovell F, Adjiman CS, Jackson G, Galindo Aet al., 2012,

    Modelling the fluid phase behaviour of aqueous mixtures of multifunctional alkanolamines and carbon dioxide using transferable parameters with the SAFT-VR approach

    , MOLECULAR PHYSICS, Vol: 110, Pages: 1325-1348, ISSN: 0026-8976
  • Journal article
    Howe C, Obgenova O, Milner-Gulland EJ, 2012,

    Evaluating the effectiveness of a public awareness campaign as a conservation intervention: The saiga antelope Saiga tatarica in Kalmykia, Russia

    , ORYX, Vol: 46, Pages: 269-277
  • Journal article
    Hadden R, Alkatib A, Rein G, Torero Jet al., 2012,

    Radiant Ignition of Polyurethane Foam: The Effect of Sample Size

    , Fire Technology, Pages: 1-19, ISSN: 0015-2684
  • Journal article
    Niedermeyer H, Hallett JP, Villar-Garcia IJ, Hunt PA, Welton Tet al., 2012,

    Mixtures of ionic liquids

    , CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, Vol: 41, Pages: 7780-7802, ISSN: 0306-0012

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Transition to Zero Pollution

Transition to Zero Pollution is a flagship initiative of the Imperial's Academic Strategy, with a vision to realise a sustainable zero pollution future. The initiative brings researchers from different disciplines together to take a systems approach to tackling pollution in all its forms.