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  • Book
    Helffrich G, Wookey J, Bastow I, 2013,

    The Seismic Analysis Code

    , Publisher: Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107045453

    The first comprehensive guide to SAC, complete with introductory materials and detailed descriptions of its most advanced features.

  • Journal article
    Morfopoulos C, Prentice IC, Keenan TF, Friedlingstein P, Medlyn BE, Penuelas J, Possell Met al., 2013,

    A unifying conceptual model for the environmental responses of isoprene emissions from plants

    , ANNALS OF BOTANY, Vol: 112, Pages: 1223-1238, ISSN: 0305-7364

    Background and AimsIsoprene is the most important volatile organic compound emitted by land plants in terms ofabundance and environmental effects. Controls on isoprene emission rates include light, temperature, water supplyand CO2concentration. A need to quantify these controls has long been recognized. There are already models thatgive realistic results, but they are complex, highly empirical and require separate responses to different drivers.This study sets out to find a simpler, unifying principle.†MethodsA simple model is presented based on the idea of balancing demands for reducing power (derived fromphotosynthetic electron transport) in primary metabolism versus the secondary pathway that leads to the synthesisof isoprene. This model’s ability to account for key features in a variety of experimental data sets is assessed.†Key resultsThe model simultaneously predicts the fundamental responses observed in short-term experiments,namely: (1) the decoupling between carbon assimilation and isoprene emission; (2) a continued increase in isopreneemission with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at high PAR, after carbon assimilation has saturated; (3) amaximum of isoprene emission at low internal CO2concentration (ci) and an asymptotic decline thereafter with in-creasingci; (4) maintenance of high isoprene emissions when carbon assimilation is restricted by drought; and (5) atemperature optimum higher than that of photosynthesis, but lower than that of isoprene synthase activity.†ConclusionsA simple model was used to test the hypothesisthat reducing poweravailable to the synthesis pathwayfor isoprene varies according to the extent to which the needs of carbon assimilation are satisfied. Despite its simpli-city the model explains much in terms of the observed response of isoprene to external drivers as well asthe observeddecoupling between carbon assimilation and isoprene emission. The concept has the potential to improve global-scale

  • Journal article
    Blasing TJ, Sullivan A, Madani K, 2013,

    Response of California Summer Hydroelectricity Generation to Spring Temperature

    , British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, Vol: 3, Pages: 316-332
  • Journal article
    Berloff P, Kamenkovich I, 2013,

    On spectral analysis of mesoscale eddies. Part II: Nonlinear analysis.

    , Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol: n/a, ISSN: 0022-3670
  • Journal article
    Graven HD, Keeling RF, Piper SC, Patra PK, Stephens BB, Wofsy SC, Welp LR, Sweeney C, Tans PP, Kelley JJ, Daube BC, Kort EA, Santoni GW, Bent JDet al., 2013,

    Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<sub>2</sub> by Northern Ecosystems Since 1960

    , SCIENCE, Vol: 341, Pages: 1085-1089, ISSN: 0036-8075
  • Conference paper
    Wilson DJ, Crocket KC, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF, Adkins JFet al., 2013,

    Deglacial ocean circulation variability in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean from neodymium isotopes and radiocarbon in deep-sea corals

    , 11th International Conference on Paleoceanography
  • Conference paper
    Wright R, Stoianov I, Parpas P, 2013,

    Dynamic topology in water distribution networks

    , Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2013), Publisher: Elsevier

    A new approach for the operational management of water distribution networks is herein presented, which introduces district metered areas (DMA) with dynamic topology. The approach facilitates the operation of an open and adaptive network thatreverts back to the original DMA structure only at night for leakage detection purposes, therefore eliminating the disadvantages of a closed network structure such as reduced resilience to failure and suboptimal pressure management. The concept and technology have been implemented on a water distribution network in the UK, and a novel optimization method used for its control has been derived that is fast and reliable.

  • Journal article
    Anvari B, Bell MGH, Sivakumar A, Ochieng WYet al., 2013,

    Modelling of Shared Space Users Using Rule-based Social Forces to Verify New Design Approaches

    , IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Journal article
    Hawks SA, Deledalle F, Yao J, Rebois DG, Li G, Nelson J, Yang Y, Kirchartz T, Durrant JRet al., 2013,

    Relating Recombination, Density of States, and Device Performance in an Efficient Polymer: Fullerene Organic Solar Cell Blend

    , ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, Vol: 3, Pages: 1201-1209, ISSN: 1614-6832
  • Journal article
    Blackburn M, Hoskins BJ, 2013,

    Context and Aims of the Aqua-Planet Experiment

  • Journal article
    Masato G, Hoskins BJ, Woollings T, 2013,

    Winter and Summer Northern Hemisphere Blocking in CMIP5 Models

    , JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, Vol: 26, Pages: 7044-7059, ISSN: 0894-8755
  • Journal article
    Díaz S, Purvis A, Cornelissen JHC, Mace GM, Donoghue MJ, Ewers RM, Jordano P, Pearse WDet al., 2013,

    Functional traits, the phylogeny of function, and ecosystem service vulnerability

    , Ecology and Evolution, Vol: 3, Pages: 2958-2975, ISSN: 2045-7758

    People depend on benefits provided by ecological systems. Understanding how these ecosystem services – and the ecosystem properties underpinning them – respond to drivers of change is therefore an urgent priority. We address this challenge through developing a novel risk-assessment framework that integrates ecological and evolutionary perspectives on functional traits to determine species’ effects on ecosystems and their tolerance of environmental changes. We define Specific Effect Function (SEF) as the per-gram or per capita capacity of a species to affect an ecosystem property, and Specific Response Function (SRF) as the ability of a species to maintain or enhance its population as the environment changes. Our risk assessment is based on the idea that the security of ecosystem services depends on how effects (SEFs) and tolerances (SRFs) of organisms – which both depend on combinations of functional traits – correlate across species and how they are arranged on the species’ phylogeny. Four extreme situations are theoretically possible, from minimum concern when SEF and SRF are neither correlated nor show a phylogenetic signal, to maximum concern when they are negatively correlated (i.e., the most important species are the least tolerant) and phylogenetically patterned (lacking independent backup). We illustrate the assessment with five case studies, involving both plant and animal examples. However, the extent to which the frequency of the four plausible outcomes, or their intermediates, apply more widely in real-world ecological systems is an open question that needs empirical evidence, and suggests a research agenda at the interface of evolutionary biology and ecosystem ecology.

  • Journal article
    Chakrabarti MH, Low CTJ, Brandon NP, Yufit V, Hashim MA, Irfan MF, Akhtar J, Ruiz-Trejo E, Hussain MAet al., 2013,

    Progress in the electrochemical modification of graphene-based materials and their applications

    , Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 107, Pages: 425-440, ISSN: 0013-4686

    Graphene is a 2D allotrope of carbon with exciting properties such as extremely high electronic conductivity and superior mechanical strength. It has considerable potential for applications in fields such as bio-sensors, electrochemical energy storage and electronics. In most cases, graphene has been functionalized and modified with other materials to prepare composites. This work reviews the electrochemical modification of graphene. Commencing with a brief history, a summary of several different means of modifying graphene to effect diverse applications is provided. This is followed by a discussion on different composite materials that have been prepared with reduced graphene oxide prior to moving onto a detailed consideration of six different methods of electrochemically modifying graphene to prepare composite materials. These methods involve cathodic reduction of graphene oxide, electrophoretic deposition, electro-deposition techniques, electrospinning, electrochemical doping and electrochemical polymerization. Finally a consideration on the applications of electrochemically modified graphene composite materials in various fields is presented prior to discussing some prospects in enhancing the electrochemical process to realize excellent and economic composite materials in bulk.

  • Journal article
    Warren R, Lowe JA, Arnell NW, Hope C, Berry P, Brown S, Gambhir A, Gosling SN, Nicholls RJ, O'Hanley J, Osborn TJ, Osborne T, Price J, Raper SCB, Rose G, Vanderwal Jet al., 2013,

    The AVOID programme's new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change mitigation

    , CLIMATIC CHANGE, Vol: 120, Pages: 55-70, ISSN: 0165-0009
  • Journal article
    Banks JR, Brindley HE, Flamant C, Garay MJ, Hsu NC, Kalashnikov OV, Klueser L, Sayer AMet al., 2013,

    Intercomparison of satellite dust retrieval products over the west African Sahara during the Fennec campaign in June 2011

    , REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, Vol: 136, Pages: 99-116, ISSN: 0034-4257
  • Journal article
    James DT, Frost JM, Wade J, Nelson J, Kim J-Set al., 2013,

    Controlling Microstructure of Pentacene Derivatives by Solution Processing: Impact of Structural Anisotropy on Optoelectronic Properties

    , ACS NANO, Vol: 7, Pages: 7983-7991, ISSN: 1936-0851
  • Journal article
    Jamali S, Abrishamchi A, Madani K, 2013,

    Climate Change and Hydropower Planning in the Middle East: Implications for Iran's Karkheh Hydropower Systems

    , JOURNAL OF ENERGY ENGINEERING, Vol: 139, Pages: 153-160, ISSN: 0733-9402
  • Journal article
    Bamber JL, Siegert MJ, Griggs JA, Marshall SJ, Spada Get al., 2013,

    Paleofluvial Mega-Canyon Beneath the Central Greenland Ice Sheet

    , SCIENCE, Vol: 341, Pages: 997-999, ISSN: 0036-8075
  • Journal article
    Napp TA, Gambhir A, Hills TP, Florin N, Fennell PSet al., 2013,

    A review of the technologies, economics and policy instruments for decarbonising energy-intensive manufacturing industries

    , Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews

    Industrial processes account for one-third of global energy demand. The iron and steel, cement and refining sectors are particularly energy-intensive, together making up over 30% of total industrial energy consumption and producing millions of tonnes of CO2 per year. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the technologies for reducing emissions from industrial processes by collating information from a wide range of sources. The paper begins with a summary of energy consumption and emissions in the industrial sector. This is followed by a detailed description of process improvements in the three sectors mentioned above, as well as cross-cutting technologies that are relevant to many industries. Lastly, a discussion of the effectiveness of government policies to facilitate the adoption of those technologies is presented. Whilst there has been significant improvement in energy efficiency in recent years, cost-effective energy efficient options still remain. Key energy efficiency measures include upgrading process units to Best Practice, installing new electrical equipment such as pumps and even replacing the process completely. However, these are insufficient to achieve the deep carbon reductions required if we are to avoid dangerous climate change. The paper concludes with recommendations for action to achieve further decarbonisation.

  • Journal article
    Govorukhin V, Shevchenko I, 2013,

    Selection of steady regimes of a one-parameter family in the problem of plane convective flow through porous medium

    , Fluid Dynamics, Vol: 48, Pages: 523-532, ISSN: 1573-8507

    Convective flow through a porous medium in a rectangular vessel with a linear temperature profile steadily maintained on the boundary is investigated. On the basis of numerical experiments the realization of steady regimes that belong to a globally stable, one-parameter family is studied at different vessel dimensions and initial temperature distributions. The regime selection is shown to strongly depend on the initial fluid temperature: a vicinity of two regimes is realized from initial data similar with the state of rest; at high initial fluid heating the regimes are selected from a vicinity of two other regimes; and in intermediate situations any of infinite number of steady regimes can be attained.

  • Conference paper
    Bixby H, Fecht D, Fortunato L, Hodgson Set al., 2013,

    Are greener cities healthier? An investigation into the association between green space coverage and health at the city level, in England

    , joint meeting of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)., Publisher: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), ISSN: 1552-9924
  • Journal article
    Li G, Harrison SP, Bartlein PJ, Izumi K, Prentice ICet al., 2013,

    Precipitation scaling with temperature in warm and cold climates: An analysis of CMIP5 simulations

    , GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol: 40, Pages: 4018-4024, ISSN: 0094-8276
  • Journal article
    Monot F, Margeot A, Hahn-Hagerdal B, Lindstedt J, Slade Ret al., 2013,

    The NILE Project - Advances in the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Materials into Ethanol

  • Journal article
    Nelson J, Emmott CJM, 2013,

    Can solar power deliver?

  • Journal article
    Meager I, Ashraf RS, Mollinger S, Schroeder BC, Bronstein H, Beatrup D, Vezie MS, Kirchartz T, Salleo A, Nelson J, McCulloch Iet al., 2013,

    Photocurrent enhancement from diketopyrrolopyrrole polymer solar cells through alkyl-chain branching point manipulation.

    , J Am Chem Soc, Vol: 135, Pages: 11537-11540

    Systematically moving the alkyl-chain branching position away from the polymer backbone afforded two new thieno[3,2-b]thiophene-diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPPTT-T) polymers. When used as donor materials in polymer:fullerene solar cells, efficiencies exceeding 7% were achieved without the use of processing additives. The effect of the position of the alkyl-chain branching point on the thin-film morphology was investigated using X-ray scattering techniques and the effects on the photovoltaic and charge-transport properties were also studied. For both solar cell and transistor devices, moving the branching point further from the backbone was beneficial. This is the first time that this effect has been shown to improve solar cell performance. Strong evidence is presented for changes in microstructure across the series, which is most likely the cause for the photocurrent enhancement.

  • Journal article
    Meager I, Ashraf RS, Mollinger S, Schroeder BC, Bronstein H, Beatrup D, Vezie MS, Kirchartz T, Salleo A, Nelson J, McCulloch Iet al., 2013,

    Photocurrent Enhancement from Diketopyrrolopyrrole Polymer Solar Cells through Alkyl-Chain Branching Point Manipulation

    , JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol: 135, Pages: 11537-11540, ISSN: 0002-7863
  • Journal article
    Waylen KA, Fischer A, McGowan PJK, Milner-Gulland EJet al., 2013,

    Deconstructing Community for Conservation: Why Simple Assumptions are Not Sufficient

    , HUMAN ECOLOGY, Vol: 41, Pages: 575-585, ISSN: 0300-7839
  • Journal article
    Raaschou-Nielsen O, Andersen ZJ, Beelen R, Samoli E, Stafoggia M, Weinmayr G, Hoffmann B, Fischer P, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Brunekreef B, Xun WW, Katsouyanni K, Dimakopoulou K, Sommar J, Forsberg B, Modig L, Oudin A, Oftedal B, Schwarze PE, Nafstad P, De Faire U, Pedersen NL, Ostenson C-G, Fratiglioni L, Penell J, Korek M, Pershagen G, Eriksen KT, Sorensen M, Tjonneland A, Ellermann T, Eeftens M, Peeters PH, Meliefste K, Wang M, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Key TJ, de Hoogh K, Concin H, Nagel G, Vilier A, Grioni S, Krogh V, Tsai M-Y, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Galassi C, Migliore E, Ranzi A, Cesaroni G, Badaloni C, Forastiere F, Tamayo I, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, Trichopoulou A, Bamia C, Vineis P, Hoek Get al., 2013,

    Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts: prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)

    , LANCET ONCOLOGY, Vol: 14, Pages: 813-822, ISSN: 1470-2045
  • Journal article
    Maher RC, Duboviks V, Offer GJ, Kishimoto M, Brandon NP, Cohen LFet al., 2013,

    Raman Spectroscopy of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Technique Overview and Application to Carbon Deposition Analysis

    , FUEL CELLS, Vol: 13, Pages: 455-469, ISSN: 1615-6846
  • Journal article
    Lorf C, Martinez-Botas RF, Howey DA, Lytton L, Cussons Bet al., 2013,

    Comparative analysis of the energy consumption and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions of 40 electric, plug-in hybrid electric, hybrid electric and internal combustion engine vehicles


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Transition to Zero Pollution

Transition to Zero Pollution is a flagship initiative of the Imperial's Academic Strategy, with a vision to realise a sustainable zero pollution future. The initiative brings researchers from different disciplines together to take a systems approach to tackling pollution in all its forms.