Topics: Earth and Life Sciences
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: April 2019



Authors: Dr Susanne RaumProfessor Clive Potter

Forest in the UK in Autumn, with saplingsThe briefing considers different policy approaches that have been developed for the conservation and management of the natural environment in the UK, and how clear, consistent guidelines can maximise their impact.


  • Numerous policy approaches have been developed for the conservation and management of the natural environment and to reduce biodiversity loss and ecosystem destruction.
  • These approaches tend to be distinct but overlapping, which can be challenging for those involved in their application.
  • The frequency of change between different and often ambiguous environmental concepts provides further difficulty to those involved in their implementation.
  • Therefore, there is a need for clear definitions, principles and guidelines for any policy innovation to ensure that it yields the intended effects.
  • There is also a need to drastically reduce the frequency of environmental policy innovations – there needs to be continuity and consistency for any policy approach to be successful.
  • Similarly, there is a need to address the frequent conflation of policy approaches as it hinders their successful implementation.

Download: The challenges of implementing global policy: the ecosystem approach and forests  [PDF] 

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[Image credit: Luke Sanderson]

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