
BibTex format

author = {Brindley, H and Osipov, S and Bantges, R and Smirnov, A and Banks, J and Levy, R and Prakash, PJ and Stenchikov, G},
doi = {10.1002/2015JD023282},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres},
title = {An assessment of the quality of aerosol retrievals over the Red Sea and evaluation of the climatological cloud-free dust direct radiative effect in the region},
url = {},
volume = {120},
year = {2015}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Ground-based and satellite observations are used in conjunction with the Rapid RadiativeTransfer Model (RRTM) to assess climatological aerosol loading and the associated cloud-free aerosol directradiative effect (DRE) over the Red Sea. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals from the Moderate ResolutionImaging Spectroradiometer and Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) instruments are firstevaluated via comparison with ship-based observations. Correlations are typically better than 0.9 with verysmall root-mean-square and bias differences. Calculations of the DRE along the ship cruises using RRTM alsoshow good agreement with colocated estimates from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget instrumentif the aerosol asymmetry parameter is adjusted to account for the presence of large particles. A monthlyclimatology of AOD over the Red Sea is then created from 5 years of SEVIRI retrievals. This shows enhancedaerosol loading and a distinct north to south gradient across the basin in the summer relative to the wintermonths. The climatology is used with RRTM to estimate the DRE at the top and bottom of the atmosphereand the atmospheric absorption due to dust aerosol. These climatological estimates indicate that althoughlongwave effects can reach tens of W m 2, shortwave cooling typically dominates the net radiativeeffect over the Sea, being particularly pronounced in the summer, reaching 120 W m 2 at the surface.The spatial gradient in summertime AOD is reflected in the radiative effect at the surface and in associateddifferential heating by aerosol within the atmosphere above the Sea. This asymmetric effect is expected toexert a significant influence on the regional atmospheric and oceanic circulation.
AU - Brindley,H
AU - Osipov,S
AU - Bantges,R
AU - Smirnov,A
AU - Banks,J
AU - Levy,R
AU - Prakash,PJ
AU - Stenchikov,G
DO - 10.1002/2015JD023282
PY - 2015///
SN - 2169-897X
TI - An assessment of the quality of aerosol retrievals over the Red Sea and evaluation of the climatological cloud-free dust direct radiative effect in the region
T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
UR -
UR -
VL - 120
ER -

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