A roundup of Imperial climate change and environment activities in 2021–22 that contributed towards the Grantham Institute's vision for a sustainable, resilient, zero-carbon society.


Groups of people seated at an event in an elaborate hall

Climate policy in Cairo

The Imperial-led UK Universities Climate Network, Academy for Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt, and British Council brought academics together in Cairo ahead of COP27 to share knowledge and build their capacity for engaging policymakers. The meeting focused on health and food security and produced two joint policy papers, which set out key global risks and solutions for these issues in relation to climate change, using Egypt as a case study. The papers were later presented to the President of Egypt.

Achieving food security under climate change
Addressing climate change impacts on health

A cartoon illustration of healthy lifestyles

9 things you can do for your health and the planet

Experts at the Grantham Institute collaborated with the Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change to highlight nine key things you can do that will have a positive impact on both your health and the planet. Former Co-Director of the Grantham Institute, Professor Martin Siegert, said at the launch in March: “These things will get people on a journey to help our planet's future and the lives of those living both today and in time to come”.

READ: 9 things you can do for your health and the planetwatch the video, or download the leaflet

Still from the climate cares graphic showing a person's head with thought bubbles

Climate cares

A special issue of the International Review of Psychiatry gave a global perspective on the impact of the climate crisis on mental health in September. Guest edited by an Imperial team led by Professor Mala Rao, it included commentaries, research and analyses from countries around the world as well as contributions from Imperial's Institute of Global Health Innovation and Climate Cares team.

Professor Rao said: “The issue is a call […] to join forces with mental health professionals and help shape the more compassionate future our young people are asking for”.

READ MORE: Special issue

Brahmal Vasudevan Institute for Sustainable Aviation

£25m boost for sustainable aviation

Aeronautical Engineering alumnus Brahmal Vasudevan, Founder and CEO of private equity firm Creador, and his wife Shanthi Kandiah, founder of legal firm SK Chambers, made a £25 million philanthropic donation to support a ground-breaking research institute dedicated to developing clean, safe, and sustainable air-travel, which launched in May. The donation – one of the largest in Imperial’s history – will help to pioneer the breakthroughs and technologies needed to support the aviation industry’s transition to zero pollution.

READ MORE: Imperial's push towards sustainable aviation
EXPLORE: The Brahmal Vasudevan Institute

Dr Shakya Tuladhar

Going for Gold LEAF

In June, laboratory manager Dr Pabitra Shakya Tuladhar achieved Gold LEAF status for the Department of Chemistry’s Cleanroom Lab, marking a first for Imperial. The Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) scheme encourages lab managers in academia to drive improvements in efficiency by identi- fying practical steps to make their labs more sustainable. Dr Shakya Tuladhar’s uncompromising efforts and passion for driving improvements helped her to achieve both carbon and financial savings and secure the Gold standard.

READ MORE: Dr Pabitra Shakya Tuladhar  

Satellite view of the earth

Rio Earth Summit – 30 years on

Imperial's Global Development Hub, in partnership with the Grantham Institute, hosted a seminar in May to reflect on the Rio Earth Summit, which took place 30 years ago, and the progress achieved since. The Earth Summit marked a major landmark for international environmental action.

This seminar brought together leading climate and environment experts from organisations including the United Nations, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the World Adaptation Science Programme. The event was chaired by Dr Bonnie Waring.

READ MORE: Imperial and UN experts reflect on landmark meet
WATCH: Rio Earth Summit - 30 years on

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