Affiliates with expertise in Earth Sciences
Professor Peter A. Allison
Professor Peter A. Allison
Ocean modelling / Palaeobiology / Fossil preservation / Evolutionary change / Epi-continental seas
Dr Cristina Banks-Leite
Dr Cristina Banks-Leite
Impacts and adaptation / Ecosystems / Biodiversity / Tropical forests / Habitat disturbance
Dr Ian Bastow
Dr Ian Bastow
Seismology to understand Earth structure / Volcanically active East African Rift
Professor Thomas Bell
Professor Thomas Bell
Ecology and evolution of microbial communities
Professor Martin Bidartondo
Professor Martin Bidartondo
Ecology and evolution of terrestrial ecosystems / Nitrogen pollution across European forests
Professor Martin Blunt
Professor Martin Blunt
Flow in porous media / CCS
Dr Pablo Brito-Parada
Dr Pablo Brito-Parada
Professor Mark Burgman
Professor Mark Burgman
Conservation biology and risk assessment / Ecological modelling
Dr Emma Cavan
Dr Emma Cavan
Microbes in biogeochemical cycles / Effect of chemical pollution and warming on ecosystems
Dr Sankalp Chaturvedi
Dr Sankalp Chaturvedi
Leadership / Mindfulness / Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Interpersonal Trust
Dr Erik Chavez
Dr Erik Chavez
Impacts and adaptation / Engineering / Biophysics / Early warning systems / Risk transfer
Professor Jenny Collier
Professor Jenny Collier
Earth and planets / Earth systems / Engineering
Dr Alexandra Collins
Dr Alexandra Collins
Environmental sustainability / Ecosystem services / Policy / Impacts and adaptation
Professor John Cosgrove
Professor John Cosgrove
Earth's crust / Movement of fluids through rocks / Fractured rock masses / Structural geology
Dr Ning Dong
Dr Ning Dong
Plant trait ecology / Carbon-nitrogen
Dr Catalina Estrada Montes
Dr Catalina Estrada Montes
Ms Alyssa Gilbert
Ms Alyssa Gilbert
Policy / Innovation
Dr Richard J. Gill
Dr Richard J. Gill
Evolutionary biology / Ecology / Anthropogenic influences on animal populations and biodiversity
Professor Gary Hampson
Professor Gary Hampson
Reservoir characterisation and modelling
Professor Christopher Hankin
Professor Christopher Hankin
Cyber security / Data analytics / Semantics-based program analysis
Dr John Heap
Dr John Heap
Mitigation / Synthetic biology / Environmentally friendly production mechanisms
Professor Matthew Jackson
Professor Matthew Jackson
Transport processes in heterogeneous geological porous media
Dr Cédric John
Dr Cédric John
Carbonate systems and carbonate reservoirs
Professor Mirko Kovac
Professor Mirko Kovac
Robot design, hardware development and multi-modal robot mobility
Dr James Lawrence
Dr James Lawrence
Geotechnics / Engineering / Earth systems
Dr Karen E. Makuch
Dr Karen E. Makuch
Environmental law / Policy / International law / Environmental rights of children / Citizen science
Dr Ralf Martin
Dr Ralf Martin
Climate change policies / Reducing greenhouse emissions / Climate and business policy
Dr Ali Mashayek
Dr Ali Mashayek
Geophysical fluid dynamics / Density stratified turbulence / Ocean turbulence & circulation
Dr Morena Mills
Dr Morena Mills
Biodiversity conservation; social science.
Dr James Murray
Dr James Murray
Structural & synthetic biology of photosynthesis / Artificial photosynthesis - sunlight for fuels
Professor Adrian Muxworthy
Professor Adrian Muxworthy
Earth and planetary magnetism; evolution of volcanic processes
Dr Panos Parpas
Dr Panos Parpas
Quantitative Analysis and Decision Science / Development and analysis of algorithms
Dr Samraat Pawar
Dr Samraat Pawar
Ecosystem dynamics and stability
Dr Will Pearse
Dr Will Pearse
Origins and future of biodiversity
Dr Yves Plancherel
Dr Yves Plancherel
Environmental change / Pollution / Environmental geochemistry / Climate modelling / Oceanography
Dr Sunday Popo-Ola
Dr Sunday Popo-Ola
Concrete structures / Steel structures / Systems and mechanics
Dr Ivana Popovic
Dr Ivana Popovic
Pathway to net zero / Nature positive futures / Sustainable development
Professor Andy Purvis
Professor Andy Purvis
Modelling biodiversity responses to human impacts / Macroevolution / Phylogenetics
Dr Emma Ransome
Dr Emma Ransome
Microbial communities in aquatic ecosystems
Professor Guillermo Rein
Professor Guillermo Rein
Heat transfer / Combustion / Fire science
Dr Fred Richards
Dr Fred Richards
Mantle dynamics, sea-level change, ice dynamics
Dr Gareth Roberts
Dr Gareth Roberts
Computational methods to extract & invert large drainage inventories for uplift of Earth's surface
Dr Dylan Rood
Dr Dylan Rood
Application of cosmogenic isotopes and accelerator mass spectrometry to studies in the Earth Science
Dr Nina Schleicher
Dr Nina Schleicher
Air quality / Isotope geochemistry
Dr Julia Schroeder
Dr Julia Schroeder
Impacts and adaptation / Ecology and evolution
Dr Mark Sutton
Dr Mark Sutton
Palaeobiology and evolution / 3D reconstruction techniques / Computing applications in Earth science
Dr Alireza Tamaddoni Nezhad
Dr Alireza Tamaddoni Nezhad
Artificial Intelligence / Machine learning / Ecological networks / Impacts of warming on ecosystems
Professor Tina van de Flierdt
Professor Tina van de Flierdt
Isotope geochemistry / Paleoceanography / Paleoclimate
Professor Alfried Vogler
Professor Alfried Vogler
Molecular systematist / Phylogeny and evolution of species diversity in insects
Dr Christopher Waite
Dr Christopher Waite
Impacts and adaptation / Systems biology / Gene regulatory networks
Dr Bonnie Waring
Dr Bonnie Waring
Plant, microbial and ecosystem ecology
Dr Alex Whittaker
Dr Alex Whittaker
Tectonics / Climate / Erosion and sedimentation
Dr Mark H W Workman
Dr Mark H W Workman
Whole system analysis / Energy transitions / Environmental and climate change / Conflict
Professor Robert Zimmerman
Professor Robert Zimmerman
Rock mechanics