The Grantham Institute recognises the value of the knowledge base available in our PhD cohort. In order to help students develop their communication skills we encourage their participation in a variety of collaborations with external organisations. In this project, students from our PhD programme provided support to the Science Museum, creating technical briefings that covered some of the key areas of climate science and technology development being discussed in the exhibition.

Working with the museum’s project leaders, students were tasked with reviewing research areas that were of particular interest to the public. This included:

  • modelling
  • carbon footprints
  • paleoclimates
  • carbon choices for individuals and corporations
  • the impact of temperature rises on oceans and land.

These reports, referencing original peer-reviewed research publications, provided the evidence base for the ‘find out more’ sections of the museum’s ‘Atmosphere – exploring climate science’ gallery that was opened in December 2010.

Want to know more? Please visit the official gallery site.

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