On 25 April 2023, the Institute of Global Health Innovation (IGHI) at Imperial College London hosted a Ukraine Health Summit, with support from the British Red Cross, to further efforts in supporting the delivery and restoration of health services in Ukraine, during and beyond the current armed conflict.  
100 people from across healthcare, research, education and policy joined to explore opportunities for UK health organisations to work together with healthcare institutions in Ukraine and to describe areas of transformation within the restoration process for health care. 

Following the event, the BMJ published an opinion piece by Lord Ara Darzi, Co-Director of IGHI: 
'Ukraine can build back a better health systemBMJ 2023(Published 27 June 2023)


The Ukraine Health Summit Agenda included keynote talks from representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, IGHI’s Lord Ara Darzi, and Ulana Suprun – former Ukrainian Health Minister. In the morning, attendees participated in break out discussions focussing on healthcare delivery: Developing and maintaining expert staff in the field; The future for digital medical technology; Partnering with UK Hospitals. 

The afternoon sessions looked to transformation and restoration, where participants discussed: Better care for children with complex long term health needs; Reimagining and rebuilding health systems and infrastructure in Ukraine; Recovery of conflict related mental health needs; A new model for medical education and training. 

Watch recorded sessions and video from the day

Panel | The evolution of humanitarian needs in Ukraine

Kamran Abbasi chaired a panel discussion with Roman Cregg President of the Ukrainian Medical Association in the UK; Natalie Roberts, Executive Director Médicins Sans Frontières; Mike Adamson, CEO British Red Cross. The content of the panel discussion is the personal views of the speakers.

Panel | The evolution of humanitarian needs in Ukraine

Panel | The evolution of humanitarian needs in Ukraine

Panel discussion | The evolution of humanitarian needs in Ukraine, Ukraine Health Summit

Kamran Abbasi chaired a panel discussion with Roman Cregg President of the Ukrainian Medical Association in the UK; Natalie Roberts, Executive Director Médicins Sans Frontières; Mike Adamson, CEO British Red Cross. The content of the panel discussion is the personal views of the speakers.

Sergii Dubrov & Oleksii Iaremenko, at Ukraine Health Summit

Keynote | Ukraine Ministry of Health, Ukraine Health Summit

Ministry of Health of Ukraine at Ukraine Health Summit, 25 April 2023, hosted by Imperial College.

Sergii Dubrov, First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine, and Oleksii Iaremenko, Head of the Project Office for the Restoration of the Health Care System of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, delivered a keynote speech from Ukraine. The content of the keynote is the personal view of the speaker.

Keynote | Lord Darzi, IGHI, speaks at Ukraine Health Summit

Keynote | Lord Darzi, IGHI, speaks at Ukraine Health Summit

Professor the Lord Darzi, Co-Director of IGHI and Paul Hamlyn Chair of Surgery, delivers a keynote.

Professor the Lord Darzi, Co-Director of IGHI and Paul Hamlyn Chair of Surgery, delivers a keynote speech. The content of the keynote is the personal view of the speaker.

Keynote | Dr Ulana Suprun speaks at Ukraine Health Summit

Keynote | Dr Ulana Suprun speaks at Ukraine Health Summit

Dr Ulana Suprun, former Ukrainian Health Minister delivered the final keynote speech of the event.

Dr Ulana Suprun, former Ukrainian Health Minister delivered the final keynote speech of the event. The content of the keynote is the personal view of the speaker.

Ukraine Health Summit - Impact of conflict on education

Impact of conflict on medical education and training

Impact of Ukraine conflict on medical education and training

This video was created with support of Ukrainian medical students about the impact of the conflict on Ukraine on the country's medical education system, to inform a breakout discussion 'A new model for education and training'.

Photos from the Ukraine Health Summit

Natalie Pidmurniak President of Ukrainian medical students‘ association (left) speaks to Lord Ara Darzi (right)

Natalie Pidmurniak, President of Ukrainian medical students‘ association

Greeting each other at IGHI's event, 25 April 2023

Ukraine Health Summit attendees greet each other

Lord Darzi speaks to audience, holding microphone, at Ukraine Health Summit, 25 April 2023

Lord Ara Darzi, Co-Director of IGHI, delivers keynote

4 people sit in chairs facing audience and talking

Panellists Roman Cregg President of the Ukrainian Medical Association in the UK; Natalie Roberts, Executive Director Médicins Sans Frontières; Mike Adamson, CEO British Red Cross, and chair Kamran Abassi, BMJ

man  in audience asks question with microphone

Marcus Stow engages in discussion

People sit on chairs in circle at Ukraine Health Summit

Attendees discuss medical education at Ukraine Health Summit

People in business attire chat in front of Centre for Health Policy banner, IGHI

Ukraine Health Summit attendees chat to each other

People network at IGHI event

Ukraine Health Summit attendees

IGHI event - people arrive and collect name badge

Attendees arrive at the Ukraine Health Summit

Ukraine Health Summit attendees chat

Lisa Hollins and Lord Darzi

Ukraine Health Summit

Natalie Pidmurniak, President of Ukrainian medical students‘ association, with Francis Ugwu, IGHI

Man in audience with microphone

Question from the audience at the Ukraine Health Summit

President of Imperial speaking in front of audience

Professor Hugh Brady, President of Imperial College London, gives welcome address

Audience in lecture theatre listening

Attendees listen at Ukraine Health Summit

Man speaks with microphone

Henry Marsh, surgeon, delivers keynote

Mike Adamson, British Red Cross and Natalie Roberts, MSF

Mike Adamson, BRC and Natalie Roberts, MSF, during the panel discussion

People sit in lecture theatre

Audience at Ukraine Health Summit

Woman in audience asks question into microphone

Engaging in discussion at the Ukraine Health Summit

Man asks question from audience, and gestures with hand

Discussion at the Ukraine Health Summit

Woman with cup of tea

Networking during the break

people sit in circle for discussion

Discussion in break out groups

Discussion in break out groups

Discussion in break out groups

Discussion in break out groups

Discussion in break out groups

Discussion in break out groups

Discussion in break out groups

Niki O'Brien, IGHI

Discussion in break out groups