When faced with the tough decision of where to go to university, a scholarship can make the choice easier. Over the years, Imperial has consistently maintained its place as a global top ten institution. The President’s Scholarship ensures Imperial’s long history of academic excellence can continue, by enabling us to attract the most talented students who may be considering the offer of a place at another elite university.

The President’s Scholarship enables students to make the most of their studies and all the College has to offer. It allows them to take up opportunities like unpaid internships or summer research opportunities to develop skills to prepare them for the workplace.

President’s Scholarships are funded solely through the support of donors like you, with more than 750 scholars supported in the last ten years.

Your impact in action

Being a President’s Scholar has allowed me to pursue my dreams and develop myself intellectually and emotionally. Without the scholarship, I would not be able to have the support to propel my research internationally, and it has given me the strength I needed to create solutions to impact the world. I am extremely grateful for this scholarship and I want to contribute back to the school when I am more successful in the future.

- Cassandra Seah Ei Lyn, PhD student, Faculty of Engineering

Make a gift to support President's Scholarships today

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+44 (0)20 7594 9330