For fifty years, the Central Library has welcomed generations of students through its doors. Your gift to the Library Fund helps us build a world-class learning resource, equipped for study in the digital age.

Imperial’s Central Library was opened in 1969 as the College’s principal repository for scientific knowledge and a place for students to congregate for research and revision. Over the last fifty years, generations of students have passed through the Library’s doors – and it remains as important as ever, with over 1.2 million student visits made last year alone.

Thanks to alumni and friends, we were able to refurbish the top two floors of the Central Library and provide an improved learning environment for our students. This included a new climate control system, desks and power infrastructure.

Together in 2017-18, 114 donors generously gave £64,766 to support the Library Fund. Thank you.

Thanks to alumni and friends, we were able to refurbish the second and third floors of the Central Librry and provide an improved learning environment for our students. This included a new climate control system, desks and power infrastructure. 

Your impact so far


Renovations to the Central Library will make a wonderful difference to learning by providing invaluable IT resources to a larger percentage of the student body at each moment in time and promoting the development of soft skills such as team work and communications by providing more spaces for students to interact and work together.” 

Christiana Udoh – Chemical Engineering PhD Student

Imperial has committed to making the Library the kind of world-class facility that students, friends and alumni would expect of an institution like this one. However, to realise our aims for the Library, we will need your support. This year, your gift could help us to continue the refurbishment plans and ensure that the library continues to support our students through their studies.

Please make a gift to the Central Library and sustain this vital resource for the next half-century.

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Clare Turner