For Biochemistry student Anthony McLean, the President’s Scholarship Fund is enabling him to reach his full potential and pursue a career in Rejuvenation Biotechnology.

Anthony McLeanI chose to study at Imperial because of the high quality of research being conducted here, as well as its world-class reputation as a university.

I am thoroughly enjoying the lecture content, especially in my Enzymes & Metabolism module. The molecular mechanisms that enzymes use to carry out catalysis are often very selective, which makes me appreciate how much of a powerful force evolution is. Allosteric regulation of enzymes also allows metabolism to be fine-tuned according to the cellular environment. Biochemistry really is the greatest engineer to ever exist.

I intend to pursue a career in research, so learning about how lecture material is being applied in laboratories and computing facilities around our campuses has been truly inspiring. Rejuvenation Biotechnology involves using “engineering” approaches to repair certain types of metabolic damage before they accumulate and lead to the pathologies of old age. I hope to complete a masters in Biochemistry and possibly a PhD related to the biology of ageing.

My President’s Scholarship has alleviated my worries about my day to day expenses as a university student. This has allowed me to focus more on my degree.

I cannot thank you enough, your kindness has enabled my peers and I to make the most of our time at Imperial so far. Imposter syndrome is probably one of the most common feelings a university student can have, so it is very reassuring to hear that people have belief in my abilities. After my time at Imperial, I hope to join this cause and donate to other students as they complete their journeys at this incredible university.



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