Thanks to his President’s Scholarship, Reza Shabeer is confident that his education will launch him into a successful future.

Reza ShabeerI chose to study at Imperial because of its stellar academic reputation. I felt that I would be able to achieve my full potential if I was in an environment filled with extremely dedicated and intelligent people.

I am particularly enjoying the facilities that Imperial offers for my course, which allows me to get hands-on experience with the contents of my syllabus. I also enjoy the diversity of people that I have met since coming to Imperial, each new person met gives me fresh ways of thinking about things.

My favourite part of the course is the practical skills we learn when attending the workshops in Skempton. Being able to make something with your own hands is extremely satisfying.

I come from a family with 5 children and so when I found out that I got into Imperial we were obviously concerned about the cost of living in London. Then, when I found out I got a scholarship, I couldn’t believe it. I was now able to pay the rent for my accommodation without having to burden my parents and was able to go to university with a weight lifted off my back.

Thank you so much for supporting students like me. I cannot express fully in words how grateful I am. Your generous donation has made life for me and my family much easier and I can go to Imperial without worrying as much about the financial burdens and can focus on the course that I love.

Once again, thank you so much!

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