A President’s Scholarship is giving Medical undergraduate Joshua Xu the freedom to be an advocate for healthy living.

Joshua XuReading the news or watching documentaries, I would often notice how a lot of scientists carrying out the research were from Imperial. I came across an app where Vodaphone had collaborated with the College to use the computing power in the mobile phones to develop algorithms to determine the outcomes of different combinations of medications, something that I was really intrigued by. In addition, the university is ranked among the top in the world and the prospect of being taught by lecturers who are leaders in their field really appealed to me. I think that I definitely made the right choice and have not looked back on my decision. 

I have been able to improve the quality of life of children in hospital who spend most of their day in a state of boredom. In addition, I will be going to different schools in the area to give talks about the importance of healthy eating and exercise, and I hope many of them will take on board my advice.

The support through this scholarship has enabled me to purchase resources to help me with my learning at the Medical School, including different apps for topics like anatomy. I have also been able to attend several conferences like the Meeting of the Minds. I have been able to buy memberships for different societies, something that I would not have the freedom to do if I hadn't received this scholarship.

In September, I am hoping to complete the Great North Run in Newcastle where I will be raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society, a charity that I have actively been involved with in the past. Due to an aging population, the prevalence of the disease is ever increasing which means research about the disease is becoming increasingly important.

I would like to thank donors for their contribution towards my studies. It has really helped to keep my mind off possible financial issues and therefore focus more on my studies. Without your generous support, this would not be possible.

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