Thanks to her President’s Scholarship, Jessica Lally is fully embracing everything that Imperial has to offer.

Jessica LallyDuring my first year at Imperial I have thoroughly enjoyed being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are passionate about their subject. The breadth and depth of opportunities have developed my technical knowledge beyond my degree. During this first year, I have been able to attend various seminars and workshops, for example on creating basic websites using HTML and CSS and learning about DeepMind’s approach to AI safety.

I have also really enjoyed participating in the Imperial Horizons programme, as this has given me the opportunity to continue studying French alongside my degree.

There are a fantastic range of clubs and societies here at Imperial, and this year, as well as being a member of Imperial's Computing Society, I have really enjoyed joining Imperial College Choir and the Synchronised Swimming team. They have given me the opportunity to make friends outside my course, as well as provide a fun break to my studies during the week. Next year I will be the Social Secretary for Choir which I am excited about.

Being awarded the President’s Scholarship has made a significant impact during my first year at Imperial, helping to alleviate some of my worries about the financial cost of living and studying in London, and allowed me to live closer to campus, which has made it easier for me to attend various seminars and events during the evenings to help develop my technical knowledge beyond the scope of my degree. It has also been of important practical value in allowing me to purchase equipment like a tablet, which has saved me a lot of time as my solutions to tutorial sheets and coursework all have to be submitted electronically.

I am extremely grateful to the donors of the President’s Scholarship Fund, as your award has helped me to participate more fully in all the university has to offer. Not only has it helped me financially during my first year at Imperial, being awarded a President’s Scholarship helped to boost my confidence significantly, both in the run-up to my A-level exams and in the first year of my degree, as the message that the university believes in my ability to succeed has been invaluable.

It has been an honour to be awarded the scholarship. I thank you sincerely for your generosity, and I will continue to study hard and prove myself worthy of your faith in my abilities.

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