Selim Toker (Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1992) supports the President’s Scholarship Fund so that others may have access to the same opportunities that helped him forge his career in finance.

I chose to study at Imperial primarily because of the quality of the education.
After studying sciences at A Level I was keen to continue on the same track at the best possible university. Although I did not pursue a career in engineering, my education at Imperial taught me all-important numerical and logical reasoning skills that I use every day.

Graduating from Imperial opened many doors for me. I wanted to give something back to the College and I am happy to help others benefit from the same opportunities.

I strongly support the President’s Scholarship Fund, as I want to help less advantaged students benefit from the first class education provided at Imperial.

To anyone else considering a gift to Imperial, I would say: do it—you know you should"

Selim Toker (Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1992)


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