Imperial College Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) is one of the 17 adult centres located throughout the UK that are jointly funded by Cancer Research UK and National Institute for Health and Care Research. 

Our ECMC centre is a partnership between Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. It aims to accelerate translating laboratory findings into early phase clinical trials, share its knowledge and expertise throughout the ECMC network, and collaborate with Industry.

Imperial College ECMC centre is co-led by Professor Hashim Ahmed and Professor Iain McNeish. The centre aims to use a multidisciplinary approach involving innovative technology to address critical questions in cancer biology and care.

The centre’s four main themes are:

Imperial ECMC co-leads

Professor Iain McNeish

Professor Iain McNeish

Professor Iain McNeish

Professor Hashim Ahmed

Professor Hashim Ahmed

Theme Leads

ECMC team