Nick Stuart (Central Laser Facility, STFC) has kindly offered to give a seminar titled “1PW, 10Hz Laser Technology at the Extreme Photonics Applications Centre, UK”.  Nick is an alumni of the Plasma Physics group, having completed a PhD and PDRA position here before taking a position at the Central Laser Facility, where he is working on the implementation of the high power laser system at  EPAC, a major upcoming UK laser infrastructure.

The Extreme Photonics Applications Centre (EPAC) being built at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory will initially comprise a 30J, 30fs laser system operating at 10Hz repetition rate to drive plasma accelerators for research and industry. We will provide an overview of the facility and focus on the high energy + ultrashort + high repetition rate laser technology that will underpin the successful delivery of light pulses to targets for the user community.

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