

17:00 – 17:30 Arrival
17:30 – 19:00 Panel discussion
19:00 – 20:00 Networking

Join us for the next Imperial Founders Forum on Wednesday 23 October 2024, hosted by the Commercial team, Enterprise and Professor David Klug (Associate Dean for Enterprise in the Faculty of Natural Sciences).

For this in-person session, we will have the special participation of Robin Carr (CEO Myricx Bio Ltd.), Richard Craster (Co-founder Quaisr Ltd.), Mike Romanos (Co-founder Microbiotica Ltd.), Thrishantha Nanayakkara (R&D Director Permia Sensing Ltd.) and, Peter Cawley (Associate Dean for Enterprise – Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London).

The Forum is open to all academic staff, particularly those who are either active or curious about commercialisation and/or increasing the non-academic impact of their work. Come and share your knowledge in entrepreneurship, engage in networking and create connections. The theme will be Pivoting Your Spinout: When, Why and How.

More about the Imperial Founders Forum

The Forum aims to develop a vibrant community of entrepreneurs and academics engaged in impact beyond academe. This informal grouping is open to all academic staff, particularly those who are either active or curious about commercialisation and/or increasing the non-academic impact of their work. The intention is to create a self-supporting community of academic entrepreneurs able to provide, guidance, advice, experience, contacts and support to each other.

Business leaders and Imperial academics will be invited to come together over a series of forum sessions to share knowledge in entrepreneurship, engage in networking and create connections.

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