
Our UKRI Centre in AI in Healthcare is hosting a dedicated workshop on Navigating the Regulatory Landscape of AI in healthcare. Industry experts will delve into the intricacies of regulatory frameworks surrounding AI in healthcare. In this all-day workshop, we will explore the regulatory processes that govern the development and approval of medical devices, with a particular focus on AI applications. Attendees will gain insights into the medical regulatory landscape and the adoption challenges faced by AI innovators in the healthcare sector. We will discuss best practices for building AI solutions that meet the highest safety standards, while also addressing common obstacles that innovators encounter. 

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Welcome & Registration
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Warren MacDonald
Imperial College London
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Kanwal Bhatia
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Ele Harwich
Newmarket Strategy
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Yasmin Stinchcombe
Digital Health.London
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Break
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Panel Discussion

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