We are very excited to be welcoming external speaker Dr Tracey Clarke, who is an Associate Professor at University College London, for an in person EXSS-SEM seminar!

Dr Tracey Clarke

University College London, Department of Chemistry

Triplets in Organic Photovoltaics

23rd November 11-12pm

711c Huxley Building, South Kensington

Abstract: Organic photovoltaics (OPV) are close to reaching a landmark 20% device efficiency. One of the proposed reasons that OPVs have yet to attain this milestone is their propensity toward triplet formation. However, the observation of significant triplet populations in high-performing blends suggests that the influence of triplet states may not be so simple. Using a variety of spectroscopic techniques, I will discuss systems in which triplets are either a hindrance or a help.

To find out more about Dr Clarke please find her website at:


We look forward to seeing you all at the seminar!

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