MPE Exhibition 2022

The MPE CDT warmly invites you to visit the ‘Mathematics of Planet Earth’ Exhibition, which will be displayed in the main entrance of Imperial’s South Kensington Campus, between Saturday 28 May – Sunday 5 June. Free entry – all welcome!

About the exhibition

Mathematics of Planet Earth is an international exhibition displaying exhibits, videos and computer programs illustrating how mathematics plays a role in answering essential questions that concern our planet. Through a series of graphics, visualisations and hands-on experiments you will discover the contributions that mathematics makes to topics such as astronomy, fluid dynamics, seismology, glaciology and cartography. The MPE CDT will provide a number of activities and tours available for families and children of all ages.

Download the Exhibition booklet here.

Download the flyer here.

See below link for article on the last MPE Exhibition 2020 :

Opening event

  • Date: Saturday, 28 May 2022
  • Time: 12:30 hrs
  • Location: Imperial College Main Entrance, Exhibition Road, South Kensington Campus, SW7 2AZ

Guided tours

Hour-long guided tours run each day of the exhibition (apart from Saturday 28 May when the exhibition opens at 12.30). Guided tours are offered on the hour starting at 10.00am and are limited to 15 guests at a time; the last tour commences at 17.00. To book a tour, please email the MPE CDT.

Public lectures

The MPE Exhibition programme also includes a public lecture , featuring an outstanding and fascinating talk.

Date: Monday, 30th May 2022
Time: 16:00
Venue: ICCL402, EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training Suite on Level 4N
Speaker: Prof Peter Lynch (An Irish meteorologist, mathematician, blogger and book author, University College Dublin)
Title: The Origins of Computer Weather and Climate Prediction: Fulfilment of Richardson’s Dream
Over the past few decades, weather forecasts have become impressively accurate. Forecast failures are rare and evoke strong reaction in the media. Climate prediction is still fraught with uncertainty, but great progress is under way.

The basic principles of numerical prediction and climate modelling were established long before electronic computers were available. Just one hundred years ago, Lewis Fry Richardson published his great work “Weather Prediction by Numerical Process”. The algorithm that he presented amounts in essence, to a general circulation model of the atmosphere, capable of describing both weather and climate.

In this lecture, we will review Richardson’s monumental study, and the triumphs and failures of his attempt to forecast the weather. His methods are at the core of atmospheric simulation and it may be reasonably claimed that his work is the basis of modern weather and climate forecasting. His dream has come true.

Interact online

Got a question? Email the MPE CDT >

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