Our Christmas Carol Service takes place by candlelight in the beautiful Holy Trinity Church, Prince Consort Rd, SW7 2BA, (at the end of Jay Mews and next to Beit Quad).
The service will be streamed live on the college’s YouTube channel.
We have favourite carols for everyone to sing. We also have exceptional music sung by the students of Imperial College Chamber Choir.
The music sung by the choir includes ‘Peace on Earth’ composed by Errollyn Wallen. She was recently appointed Master of the King’s Music. There is also music by contemporary composers Sally Beamish and Séan Docherty. Plus, a traditional Christmas song by Herbert Howells, student and teacher at the Royal College of Music, our close neighbour.
There will also be prayers for family and friends, and for people and communities crying out for peace and justice. We will also be remembering those we have loved who have died and who are very much in our thoughts and minds at this time.
We hope the music and readings give you the space for reflection and celebration as you prepare for Christmas.
Please join us for wine and mince pies after the service.