At a Glance

  • Classroom course (South Kensington)
  • Wednesdays 18:00 - 20:00
  • 19 weeks | October - March
  • Starts 16 October 2024
  • Fees from £288
  • Tutor: Leslie Primo

Enrol-by Date

  • 7 October 2024
Booking link

Visiting art museums and galleries is one of the most enjoyable activities in life, but it can be made even more rewarding by discovering some of the stories behind the great works of art, and the ideas that inspired artists in their studios.

On this course with weekly sessions on Wednesdays, we join celebrated museum lecturer and BBC television presenter Leslie Primo to explore some of the wide variety of Western European art works, from early Byzantine through to late Victorian art and Impressionism.

Leslie will encourage us to participate in discussions on the different varieties of art we will see, while guiding us gently towards greater understanding of the lives of different artists, their cultural backgrounds and their influence on later developments in art.

The programme is broadly chronological, with forays into different geographical regions of Europe, and we will discover some of the key movements in art, the characteristics of different styles and information on specific artists, such as Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, and others.

At the start of the course we will think about how to look at paintings and sculpture, and consider concepts such as composition and iconography, exploring the way saints and ancient Greek and Roman gods were depicted, as well as the clues artists give us to understanding their works through various forms of symbolism.

The course is aimed at complete beginners and so no previous knowledge of art or art history is necessary. We are also very pleased to have a visit to one of London's major art galleries as part of this course (Saturday 29 March 2025).

Class Recordings

These classes are not recorded


Attendance Certificate


Successful completion of this course leads to the award of an Imperial College attendance certificate


Terms and conditions apply to all enrolments to this course. Please read them before enrolment

Course Information

Course Programme (may be subject to modification)

Session Titles - Autumn Term

  • Session 1 - Iconography of Venus (16 October 2024)
  • Session 2 - Cupid & Mars (23 October 2024)
  • Session 3 - Iconography of Adorations & Annunciations (30 October 2024)
  • Session 4 - Iconography: Saints & Sinners  (6 November 2024)
  • No session 13 November
  • No session 20 November
  • Session 5 - Byzantine & Gothic (27 November 2024)
  • Session 6 - Medieval & Gothic (4 December 2024)
  • Session 7 - Florentine Renaissance (11 December 2024)


Session Titles - Spring Term

  • Session 8 - Art & Reformation in Northern Renaissance Europe (8 January 2025)
  • Session 9 - Botticelli & Florence (15 January 2025)
  • Session 10 - Leonardo, Projects, Patrons & Peregrinations (22 January 2025)
  • Session 11 - Raphael and the End of the Renaissance (29 January 2025)
  • Session 12 - The Rise of the Divine Michelangelo (5 February 2025)
  • Session 13 - Titian and the Venetian Masters (12 February 2025)
  • Session 14 - Baroque, Carracci to Bernini - A New Direction (19 February 2025)
  • No session 26 February
  • Session 15 - Northern Baroque in England - Mytens - Van Dyck (5 March 2025)
  • Session 16 - Art in Spain - Velázquez to Murillo (12 March 2025)
  • Session 17 - Dutch Golden Age - Rembrandt to Vermeer (19 March 2025)
  • Session 18 - Victorian Age to Modern - Art from the 19th into the 20th Century (26 March 2025)
  • Session 19 - Guided visit to the National Gallery (Saturday 29 March 2025 from 11:00 – 13:00)

Photograph of Leslie PrimoYour tutor for this course will be Leslie Primo. Leslie is a highly experienced and well-known art historian who has appeared on television & radio and who has also lectured at organisations including the National Gallery in London and Wallace Collection.

His new book, The Foreign Invention of British Art: From Renaissance to Enlightenment, is due to be published later this year by Thames and Hudson.

You can read more about your tutor at: Leslie Primo's website

Twitter: artfirstprimo     

Blog: artfirstprimo

We asked last year's students to give anonymous feedback on this course and this is what they told us:

  • "Excellent. Very well structured, easy to understand, couldn't fault it."
  • "Leslie's teaching style is excellent, he fulfills all the above descriptions. I learn a lot from each lesson thanks to his knowdlege and teaching style."
  • "Very informative and entertaining."




And overall all adult education students in 2023-2024 rated our courses as excellent with a score of 4.7 out of 5.

Thank you to everyone who completed the annual survey.

Sessions Standard Rate Internal Rate Associate Rate
 19 Early Bird: £482
Full price: £536
Early Bird: £288
Full price: £320
Early Bird: £380
Full price: £422
All fee rates quoted are for the whole 2-term course. Early Bird rates are available until the end of 30 September 2024. Part-payments are not possible.


Rate Categories and Discounts

Standard Rate

  • Available to all except those who fall under the Internal Rate or Associate Rate category.

Internal Rate

  • Current Imperial College students and staff (incl. Imperial NHS Trust, Imperial Innovations, ancillary & service staff employed on long-term contracts at Imperial College by third-party contractors)
  • People enrolling under our Friends & Family scheme
  • Alumni of Imperial College and predecessor colleges and institutes, including City & Guilds College Association members
  • Students, staff and alumni of the Royal College of Art, Royal College of Music and City, UAL and the City and Guilds of London Art School
  • Students, staff and Governors of Woodhouse College and the IC Mathematics School

Associate Rate

  • Austrian Cultural Forum staff
  • Co-operative College members
  • Francis Crick Institute staff, researchers and students
  • Friends and Patrons of the English Chamber Orchestra
  • Friends of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens
  • Friends of Leighton House/ Sambourne House
  • Friends of the Royal College of Music
  • Harrods staff
  • Historic Royal Palaces staff
  • Lycee Charles de Gaulle staff
  • Members of the Friends of Imperial College
  • Members of the Kennel Club
  • Members of the London Zoological Society
  • Members of the South London Botanical Institute (SLBI)
  • Members of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
  • National Health Service (NHS) employees
  • Natural History Museum staff
  • Residents of postcodes SW3, SW5, SW7, SW10 and W8
  • Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council staff
  • Royal Geographical Society staff
  • Science Museum staff
  • Staff of Exhibition Road Cultural Group (Discover South Kensington) organisations
  • Students (non-Imperial College)
  • Teachers and other staff of UK schools
  • The American Institute for Foreign Study
  • Tutors and other staff of institution members of the Association of Colleges
  • Tutors and other staff of other universities and higher education institutions
  • Victoria and Albert Museum staff

Late enrolment

It is possible to enrol on many of our adult education courses after the course has already started. For non-language courses this is subject entirely to agreement by the tutor. For language courses it is subject to agreement by the language coordinator conducting level assessment. If you want to join a course late do bear in mind there might be work you will need to catch up on, particularly in language courses.

Friends and Family Scheme

This course is eligible for allowing Imperial College students and staff to share their discount with their friends and family.

Sessions Autumn term Spring term Summer term
 19 Week starting 14 October - week ending 14 December 2024 (see programme for details)* Week starting 6 January - week ending 29 March 2025 (see programme for details)* n/a
*This is a 2-term course - Autumn term PLUS Spring term - with the Christmas break in between

Enrolment via the blue booking link is open. Early-bird discounts are available until the end of 30 September 2024

Enrolment and payment run through the Imperial College eStore. When enrolling:

  • Do check on the drop down menu above called "Course Fees and Rate Categories" to see if you are eligible for a discounted rate and also do make sure you select that rate when enrolling on the eStore
  • If you are a first-time eStore user you will need to create an account before enrolling. You can do this by entering an email address and password. This account can then be used for any future enrolments via the eStore.

When you have enrolled you will be sent the following email notifications:

What is sent When is it sent What does it contain
1. Payment confirmation Is sent straight away following submission of your online application
  • This is a receipt for your payment and includes payment date, order number and course title
  • Confirmation of your place on your chosen course will follow later as long as the course recruits enough students to run. If not you will receive a refund of your payment.
2. Enrolment confirmation Is usually sent within 10 working days. Please treat your payment confirmation as confirmation that your applicant details and payment have been received
  • Confirms your course choice
  • Shows your course's term dates
  • Confirms the day and time of your course
3. Programme information Is usually sent on Friday late afternoon the week before term starts
  • Contains joining instructions for your course, either online or in the classroom, depending on the course
  • If you need further help with the above information please ring 020 7594 8756 / +44 20 7594 8756.
  • All enrolments are provisional until the course is confirmed to run. This will be dependent on the course reaching the minimum number of enrolments.
  • All enrolments are subject to our Terms and Conditions. It is not possible to join one of our courses without agreeing to be bound by our Terms and Conditions.

If you have any questions about the academic content or teaching of this course please contact the Course Tutor, Leslie Primo,

If you have any questions about your enrolment or payment processes please contact the Programme Administrator, Christian Jacobi,

Contact us

Imperial after:hours Adult Education
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
Level 3 - Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ
Tel. +44 20 7594 8756