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Pay Rates for Adult Education Teaching


New members of adult education teaching staff (Imperial after:hours) typically start on spine point 20 shown below. Increments are made on an individual basis.

The pay rate does not include holiday pay. If you have any questions on this please contact the CLCC Office Manager, Claire Stapley at c.stapley@imperial.ac.uk 

Spine Hourly Rate (2024-2025)
20 £49.25
21 £51.36
22 £53.59
23 £55.58
The rates excude holiday pay. 

For those on casual worker contracts the rate is £50.40 per hour.

All adult education pay rates include preparation time within the hourly rate. There is no additional payment beyond this made for preparation time.

Contact us

Imperial after:hours Adult Education
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
Level 3 - Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ
Tel. +44 20 7594 8756

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