Our aims

"We aim to position equality, diversity and inclusion at the centre of everything that we do and the Strategy outlines our priorities and the practical steps that we will take to achieve our aims."

Stephen Curry, Assistant Provost

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy commits the College to a set of aims:

We will integrate equality, diversity and inclusion into all management processes.

We will integrate equality, diversity and inclusion into the student experience.

We will take positive action to improve the opportunities and experiences of under-represented groups:

We will reduce the incidence of bullying and harassment.

We will gather and publish data to monitor our progress.

We will collaborate internally and externally to develop good practice.

We will communicate and be open to dialogue on our work on equality, diversity and inclusion.

This Strategy is under review

This EDI Strategy and its webpages were launched in 2018.

The Associate Provosts (EDI) are developing a new Strategy for 2024.