Nature Smart Cities

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Researchers at Centre for Environmental Policy (CEP) are working on a European Union’s Interreg project co-creating and validating a business case to increase the deployment of Green Infrastructure (GI) across urban landscapes in order to build climate resilience to floods, heat stress and drought.  Whilst the benefits of GI, strategically planned networks of natural and semi-natural areas in towns and cities, have received increasing attention, turning such enthusiasm into landscape solutions on the ground is proving difficult.  By working with academic partners from the University of Gent and Antwerp and partners from eight cities across the 2 seas region researchers at CEP will investigate the benefits of GI and the main drivers and enablers for delivery.  This information will be used to create valuation tools that can more clearly explain the economic, social, cultural and environment benefits of GI, thereby assisting local authorities in designing, funding and implementing natural solutions for urban climate resilience. 

Visit the full website here.

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