A scientist working with lasers

Imperial values collaborative research that combines real-world business challenges with academic curiosity and research rigour to deliver tangible benefits for society.

Whether through consultancy, technology licensing, commercially-funded projects or the creation of technology-based startups, the opportunities to develop ideas into impact are varied and plentiful, largely driven by Imperial Enterprise.

Ways in which Enterprise supports ideation and opportunities for staff

  • Mapping and promoting Imperial’s research capabilities and licensing portfolio
  • Securing collaborative research with industry partners and commercialisation income
  • Assessing research discoveries, and advancing the technologies through to market adoption via collaboration with industry
  • Managing industry partnerships and key stakeholder relationships

We have many modes of partnership that we can undertake between industry partners and Imperial's researchers and academics, with a wide range of opportunities and flexibility:

We offer the chance to realise the full potential of your research by connecting you with some of the world’s most exciting organisations.

Contact us

For Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation enquiries within the Faculty of Engineering, complete our short form.

Meet the full team on the Enterprise webpages