Module aims

You will learn about modern developments in tissue engineering, and about the principles on which they are based.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module students will be able to:

  • Specify the importance in tissue engineering of controlling the local environment to generate a specific cellular response
  • Plan a synthetic strategy of a material for tissue engineering
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different scaffold materials in tissue engineering
  • Recommend a strategy for taking a bimaterial through clincial trials.

Module content

  • Cellular responses to the local environment.
  • The role of cellular responses to the local environment in tissue engineering.
  • Empirical and rational design approaches to tissue engineering. The principles and basic mechanisms of cellular signalling, in the abstract, and with reference to the examples given in the course.
  • The principles and mechanisms of cellular mechanotransduction.
  • Surface chemistry and protein adsorption relevant to tissue engineering.
  • Materials synthesis for tissue engineering.
  • Property requirements of scaffold materials for regenerative biological applications.
  • Strategies to fabricate porous materials Approaches to functionalisation of porous materials.
  • Clinical aspects of tissue engineering.
  • The role and importance of the extracellular matrix in tissue engineering.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of hydrogels and other scaffolds for tissue engineering.
  • The applications of scaffolds for tissue engineering; tissues such as heart, bone, liver, kidney, nervous system.
  • The application of polymers in drug delivery as a basis of polymer structure.
  • Clinical case studies

Module lead

Iain Dunlop



Module code


Host department

Department of Materials



Time slot


Teaching weeks


August resit opportunity?


How to apply

Via the student's home department - host department to be informed

Application deadline

17.00 on Wednesday 16 October 2024

Places available (approximate)


Number of applicants (historic)


Criteria used for student selection

First come, first assigned a place

Further information

For any queries about this module, please contact the Materials Student Office at Please state your full name, department and CID when emailing the team.


