Showcasing past work with proven success in enhancing student engagement

Our Digital Media Specialists Gabrielle Torreborre and Hywel Jones have a background in filmmaking, post-production and animation. They collaborate with academics and our instructional design team to transform module concepts into concise videos and digital solutions that clearly articulate core learning objectives. More than ever, our team is seeing staff embrace the potentialities of video and animation to support teaching and learning activities in their modules:

  • Digital media can become a valuable online revision material
  • Digital media can complement face-to-face teaching activities e.g. lab demonstrations
  • Digital media can be used in pre-sessional resources
  • Digital media is reusable and re-purposable e.g. safety or lab instruction videos can be used across year groups

The team can access the digital media facilities available in the Digital Media Lab. This enables teaching staff to independently record in a self-recording booth asn well as take advantage of lightboards and industry level studios. Visit our SharePoint pages for examples.

What we provide

We provide a full end-to-end service from facilitating storyboarding workshops, all the way through to final delivery and evaluation. The types of digital media we can help you create are listed below.

Videos title


A screencast is a video recording of everything that appears on your computer screen. You will be able to record audio as well as any other visuals that may appear on it, such as images, presentations, software and webpages.



A screen recording is a self-recorded piece of your screen.

A screencast is a video recording of everything that appears on your computer screen. You will be able to record audio as well as any other visuals that may appear on it, such as images, presentations, software and webpages.



A podcast is an audio recording of a contributor’s lecture which can be edited.

A podcast is an audio recording of a contributor’s lecture which can be edited to produce an informative mp3 file. 
Video Production

Video Production

We can help create video assets to support the teaching of your module.

We can help create video to support the teaching of your module. This includes videography of labs, practicals, and walkthroughs. These videos can be created on site or in a professional studio.

Animations and Motion Graphics

Animations and Motion Graphics

We can help create animation to support the teaching of your module.

We can work with you to create animations and motion graphics to use in your teaching. Animations allow for the visualisation of difficult concepts, making it easier for students to understand the content. 

H5P - Interactive Content

H5P - Interactive Content

We can help create H5P to support the teaching of your module.

H5P is the tool we use to create interactive learning content including quizzes, enhanced videos, and challenges. H5P can be hosted and integrated with Blackboard.

Interactive Visualisations

Interactive Visualisations

We can help create visualisations to support the teaching of your module.

The EdTech Lab can create interactive visualisations for your module that you can embed into online learning environments such as Blackboard and Mobius. Each visualisation is written in JavaScript to create dynamic and instructive learning resources. These visualisations can enhance the online learning experience for our students by bridging the gap between praxis and theory online.  

Self-Recording Booths

Self-Recording Booths

The Ed Tech Lab can support you to use the new Self Recording Booths inside the Digital Media Lab

The Ed Tech Lab can support you to use the new Self Recording Booths inside the Digital Media Lab (DML). 

Lightboard Studio

Lightboard Studio

The Ed Tech Lab can help you create a lightboard video inside the Digital Media Lab (DML).

The Ed Tech Lab can help you create a lightboard video inside the Digital Media Lab (DML). 

Please visit our SharePoint page to see more detailed information on the production process and tips on how to make videosH5Pvisualisations and animations.