On 6 and 7 July, Team Imperial and Team BerkelBike UK co-hosted a 'Meet the Teams' event at the home of the Paralympic movement, Stoke Mandeville Stadium in Buckinghamshire.
The event consisted of a seminar session with presentations from students working on Cybathlon related projects. Talks from Team Leaders Dr Aldo Faisal and Dr Rik Berkelmans, and a panel session with Team Pilots Kevin Evison, Sivashankar Sivakanthan and Tom Nabarro.
The day's events concluded with a track session where Paul Moore and Johnny Beer-Timms of Team BerkelBike UK went head to head on the Stoke Mandeville Stadium track in preparation for the Cybathlon which takes in October.
The day provided an opportunity for the team to engage with members of the public including supporters from Bucks Healthcare and the Spinal Injuries Association. It also allowed an opportunity for the press to meet with the team and pilots to get an understanding of what the Cybathlon will entail.
ITV Anglia News - Paralysed man plans to pedal to victory at world's first 'Cybathlon' competition
For further information about Team Imperial please contact:
Dr Ian Radcliffe i.radcliffe@imperial.ac.uk