Information about applying for a PhD

When you are applying for a PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, please ensure you follow the process outlined on this page and on the College’s advice on how to apply page. This will ensure that we can process your application as efficiently as possible.

It is a good idea to ensure you allow plenty of time to submit your PhD application and for it to be processed, particularly if you are also applying for funding, such as scholarships.

The application process is outlined below. You can also download flow charts which show the typical proccess:

Students who are interested in applying to a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) should follow the application process for the relevant CDT as detailed on the CDT’s website, as the process may be different from that detailed below.

More information on the PhD application process

  1. Check you meet the College’s entry requirements. 
  2. Review the Department of Mechanical Engineering’s website to work out if you are going to apply for an advertised studentship, contact a research group, or apply to a Centre for Doctoral Training; or if you are going to propose a research project of your own to a potential supervisor. 
  3. It is essential that you contact the relevant member(s) of academic staff to discuss the project you are interested in, and to discuss eligibility and funding, before you submit your formal application to the College. Unfortunately, we are not able to process applications which do not have the support of a prospective supervisor, who should be clearly named in the application. 
  4. Once your potential supervisor has agreed to support your PhD application, you should formally apply for a PhD position by submitting your application form online.
  1. Your application will then be vetted and reviewed by the Registry and the Department. If successful, you will receive an offer via your e-service account. This offer will include conditions (e.g. ATAS clearance, English Language requirements, etc.) which need to be met. 
  2. You will receive a welcome email from the Department which will give you instructions on how to accept your offer. 
  3. Once all the conditions of your offer are met, you will be able to register online and then all you need to do is arrive on your official start date. Please note, you won’t be able to register online until all your conditions are met and this can have an impact on your start date.

Key information for when applying

Please remember to:

  • Check you meet the eligibility and English Language requirements
  • Discuss your potential PhD with a prospective supervisor before applying and gain their support
  • State clearly on your application form who is your potential supervisor;
  • Submit your application form online

Useful links 


Student volunteering weel

Key information

Entry Requirements

  • We usually require applicants to hold a 2:1 or 1st (or equivalent) at undergraduate level and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautics, Materials Science, Mathematics, or other relevant science/ engineering subjects. Please contact the Postgraduate Administrator for further information, or if you have queries about entry requirements. 
  • We look for enthusiastic and self-motivated applicants, and value your excellent communications and team-work skills, and strong work ethics.

English Language requirements

  • Students are required to achieve the College’s Standard level of attainment in English language before registration. Find out more on the English language requirements page.

Contact us

For further guidance and information, please contact:

Kate Lewis (Postgraduate Administrator) 

+44 (0)20 7594 7022