QunliQunli Zhang is currently studying for a PhD in our department. 

I have had a huge interest in engineering since I was a little boy and after my graduation from Jilin University in China I decided to pursue further study abroad.

Imperial College has great reputation in mechanical engineering, ranking in the top ten in the world, so I was very pleased when I was accepted onto the MSc course here. I arrived keen to improve both my academic competence and my proficiency in English.

The course is pretty tight. I chose seven courses, which is equivalent to 160 credits. Usually, I need to spend at least one hour reviewing the contents of each of the often very interesting lectures.

Apart from lectures, I conduct experiments, do the literature review and write the log book for my individual project. There’s also a coursework element that builds our communication skills and our ability to perform as part of a team.

I have learnt a lot about a range of advancing technologies in class with clear links made to industry, for example in aluminium alloy forming. Both our team spirit and a scientific exploratory spirit are cultivated and consolidated on the MSc. I would advise any prospective students to study hard, play hard - as the school motto says.

If all things go well, I intend to study a PhD at Imperial College because I really like the academic atmosphere here as well as London life.

"I really like the academic atmosphere here as well as London life"

Contact us

For guidance and further information please contact:

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Administrator

Kate Lewis
+44 (0)20 7594 7022