This Focussed Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) instrument combines the imaging capabilities of an SEM with the milling capabilities of an ion beam to simultaneously image and mill a sample. The FIB-SEM is routinely used for general sample milling and for TEM sample preparation. Using this capability a sample can be located, milled and removed from a specific area of interest using the Ga+ ion beam, and transferred to a suitable TEM grid.

The sample is then further milled us-ing the ion beam until electron transparency is achieved. The milling progress is monitored using the electron beam which gives minimum damage and higher resolu-tion images of the region of interest.

The instrument is equipped with a platinum gas injection system, Omniprobe micromanipulator and an in-situ STEM detector.

Slice and view and 3D reconstruction

Catalyst porosity 1Catalyst porosity 2

Dual beam focussed ion beam tomography enables the study of structural changes at nm-μm scale caused during production or during operation under different conditions for the same type of samples (e.g. porosity changes in two catalysts - shown above).

Helios images

Single slice and view image from 3D dataset

Single slice and view image from 3D dataset


Single crystal Zr micropillar after compression to 5 percent strain

Single crystal Zr micropillar after compression to 5 percent


Helios NanoLab 600 help and support

  • Dr Cati Ware

    Personal details

    Dr Cati Ware Characterisation Facilities Assistant

    07872 850079


    Department of Materials
    Royal School of Mines
    Lower Ground Floor, LG05

    Support with

    All Helios NanoLab 600 functions, and SEM and TEM/FIB sample preparation for materials characterisation