The Engineering Scale Geology Research Group (ESGRG) at Imperial is a multidisciplinary collaboration focusing on applying cutting-edge advancements in geoscience to contemporary engineering applications.
The group seeks to tackle the complexities in natural structures and processes and make practical conclusions from the novel results produced. Our work seeks answers to large scale problems sorely needed in areas of large scale design, construction, and risk/hazard management, however the scale and span of the problems faced often means that solutions offer insight for a variety of fields and stakeholders.
Building upon expertise from Imperial's world renowned civil engineering and earth science departments, our research seeks to apply cutting-edge methods in remote sensing, data management, and modelling to improve safety, performance, and understanding of long-term, underground, and large-scale construction efforts.
The group is currently writing the national UK CIRIA guidelines on the use of Earth Observation technology in civil infrastructure with Sixense (UK) Ltd.
Details of group members' work can be found below; please feel free to contact us for further insight.