Current research projects
Deepwater gravitational fold belts
Read about structure and sediment routing
Phd Students:
- Gemma Jones: “Influence of active salt tectonics on the development of deepwater slope channel systems, Offshore Angola and Gulf of Mexico”. NERC-CASE award with BP; November 2010-
- Byami Jolly: “The interaction between deepwater channel systems and growing thrusts and folds, toe-thrust region of the deepwater Niger Delta” PTDF Nigerian Government Scholarship. November 2010-current
TRACE: Evaluating shale diapirism in petroleum exploration: in the diapric provinces of the Alboran and Caspian Seas.
Spanish Government/Repsol funded project with Professor Juan Soto; University of Granada;
- PhD student Idaira Santos Betancor
Strike-slip deformation at the Colombian Caribbean plate margin
PhD Student:
- Pedro Galindo: “Tectonic evolution of the Santa Marta Bay Basin and kinematics of transpressional structures, Colombian Caribbean”. Colciencias (Colombian Government Scholarship). October 2011-
Recently completed research projects
Quaternary Ice Sheets in the North Sea
Completed PhD research projects
Fault-propagation folding in extensional settings: a combined seismic, outcrop and analogue modelling study (PhD; Norsk Hydro): Paul Whipp
- The origin and significance of a major rift-related erosional unconformity: the Upper Jurassic Unconformity (UJUNC), Horda Platform, Norwegian Margin (PhD; Norsk Hydro): Andrew McAndrew
- Subsurface Analysis of Fluvial Sandstone Bodies using well logs and 3D seimsic dataset (PhD; Scholarship); Faisal Alqahtani
- Sedimentology of Tertiary Deep water Sandstones in NW Sabah, Malaysia: An evaluation of Outcrops in the Paleogene (Oligocene-Miocene) West Crocker Formation and the Neogene (Early Pliocene) Lingan Submarine Fan System (PhD; Petronas): Abdullah Zakaria
- Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of tidally influenced sediments in a syn-rift setting (PhD; Statoil): Rachel Kieft
- Structural and stratigraphic development of salt-influenced rift basins (PDRA, Statoil): Karla Kane
- High resolution multi-channel seismics within the Hampshire-Dieppe Basin: UK -investigating basin inversion (PhD; English Heritage): Kerry Bushe
- Backstripping of displacement on normal growth faults (PhD; IC bursary): Ulrike Freitag
- Controls on fluvial and lacustrine sedimentary facies architecture in evolving salt basins (PhD; Total): Wendy Matthews
- Morphology and evolution of Pleistocene subglacial tunnel valleys in the North Sea (PhD; IC bursary): Margaret Stewart
- Reconstructing Pleistocene ice limits in the Central North Sea: implications for climate change (PhD; BGS): Ali Graham
- Architecture and controls of sinuous submarine channels: Analysis of 3D seismic data, modern channel systems and experimental investigations (Post Doc; NERC MARGINS & Total)
- Sedimentology, stratigraphy and facies architecture of shallow marine sandstone reservoirs, Bridport sands (PhD, NERC case & BP): Jenny Morris, now at Statoil.
- Controls on relay ramp genesis, evolution and breaching (PhD; NERC & CNR): David Dutton, now at BG.
- The response of turbidite dispersal systems to syn-sedimentary normal fault growth (PhD; Amerada Hess): Karla Kane
- Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterisation of the Columbus Basin and East Venezuela Basin (PhD; NERC & BP):Andrew Bowman, now at BP.
- Tectonics of the Middle Magdalena Valley and western foothills of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia (PhD; Ecopetrol and Colciencias)
- Computer modelling and characterization of intersecting 3D fault networks (PhD; Fina): Dustin Lister, now at Schlumberger.